Gpu effects (windows only), Refraction effect (windows only), Ripple (circular) effect (windows only) – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 372: Page curl effect (windows only)

background image



Effects and transitions

Last updated 11/6/2011

Wave Width

The size of the wave in pixels.


The direction the wave travels across the image. For example, a value of 225° makes the waves travel

diagonally from upper right to lower left.

Wave Speed

The speed (in cycles per second) at which the waves travel. A negative value reverses the wave direction,

and a value of 0 produces no movement. To vary wave speed over time, set this control to 0, and then set keyframes
for the Phase property.


Which edges to pin so that the pixels along those edges aren’t displaced.


The point along the waveform at which a wave cycle begins. For example, 0° starts the wave at the midpoint of

its downward slope, and 90° starts it at the lowest point in the trough.

Antialiasing (Best Quality)

Sets the amount of anti-aliasing, or edge smoothing, to perform on the image. In many

cases, lower settings produce satisfactory results; a high setting can significantly increase rendering time.

GPU effects (Windows only)

Page Curl effect (Windows only)

Use Page Curl to simulate a page slowly turning. As the “page” turns, you see the back of the image mapped to the
opposite side of the curl. The back of the image is actually a mirror image of the front. This effect is most useful as a
transition where you would like to have a high-quality, textured page peel effect to reveal an underlying frame. Page
Curl includes controls that function identically to the controls in the Ripple Effect (Circular).

Page Curl adds the following controls not in the Ripple (Circular) Effect:

Angle Of Curl

Specifies where on the image edge the curl begins.

Curl Amount

Specifies how far into the image that the curl extends.

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Ripple (Circular) effect (Windows only)

” on page 366

Refraction effect (Windows only)

Use this effect to create a ripple and add a refractive look to the surface of your image. This simulates how an object
distorts when it is just beneath the surface of moving water or behind a refractive object such as frosted glass.

Ripple Amount

Specifies the size of the ripples. Animating this property creates the effect of moving water.

Refractive Index

Specifies the ratio of the light’s velocity as it passes from a rarer to a denser medium.


Specifies the grain amount on the surface.


Specifies the depth of the surface through which you are viewing the image. For example, in the case of

simulating an underwater object, adjusting this value changes how deep an object appears to be in the water.

Ripple (Circular) effect (Windows only)

Use Ripple (Circular) to create an effect similar to concentric ripples on the surface of water.

Surface Angle X and Y

Specify the degree of rotation on the designated Cartesian axis.