Export a sequence to tape without device control, Creating motion-picture film – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 470

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Last updated 11/6/2011

To have Premiere Pro roll the tape before the specified start time so that the deck can attain a constant speed, select
Preroll and type the number of frames you want the tape to play before recording begins. For many decks, 150
frames is sufficient.


In the Options section, select any of the following options:

Abort After Dropped Frames

Ends export automatically if a specified number of frames is not exported successfully.

Specify the number in the box.

Report Dropped Frames

Generates a text report alerting you to dropped frames.

Render Audio Before Export

Prevents sequences containing complex audio from causing dropped frames during



Click Record, or, for HDV devices click Render And Record.

If exporting to an HDV device, a rendering dialog box will open with a progress bar showing the progress of the
transcode to HDV. Typically, export to tape will begin when transcoding is about 50% done.


If you don’t need to perform any more recordings after the Recording Successful message appears in the Status
option, click Cancel to close the Export To Tape dialog box.

Note: If you want to use device control but it’s unavailable, click Cancel. Choose Edit > Preferences, click Device Control,
make sure that your device is set up properly in the Device Control options, and click OK. Then try recording to tape

Export a sequence to tape without device control

You can export to videotape without device control by operating the playback controls in Premiere Pro and the
recording controls on the device itself.

Note: You can export to tape on an HDV device in Windows only, and only with device control.


Activate the sequence you want to export.


Make sure that the sequence plays back on your deck or camera. If it does not, review the steps for preparing for
exporting to tape (See “

Prepare for exporting to DV videotape

” on page 462), or see the documentation for your

analog device.


Make sure that the video recording device is in Record-Pause mode, and that the tape is cued to the point where
you want to start recording.


Position the current-time indicator at the beginning of the sequence (or work area, as needed).


Press the Record or Pause button on the device, as needed to put the device into Record mode.


Press the Play button in the Program Monitor.


When the program finishes, press the Stop button in the Program Monitor, and then press Stop on the device.

Creating motion-picture film

If you intend to display your finished project on motion picture film, plan your workflow carefully. You can employ a
matchback process, in which you shoot on film, transfer to video, and then conform the film negative to your video
edits. On the other hand, you can shoot and edit video, and then transfer the finished project to film. Ideally, you would
shoot a high-definition format, and perhaps shoot at 24

fps to match theatrical film frame rate. In either case, consider

the important ways film and video formats differ—such as in their image resolutions, aspect ratios, and frame rates.
Develop a plan to reconcile those differences.