Rgb color corrector effect – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 362

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Effects and transitions

Last updated 11/6/2011


Defines the central color in the range that you’re specifying. Select the Eyedropper tool and click anywhere on

your screen to specify a color, which is displayed in the color swatch. Use the + Eyedropper tool to extend the color
range, and use the - Eyedropper tool to subtract from the color range. You can also click the swatch to open the Adobe
Color Picker and select the center color.

Hue, Saturation, and Luma

Specify the color range to be corrected by hue, saturation, or luminance. Click the triangle

next to the option name to access the threshold and softness (feathering) controls to define the hue, saturation, or
luminance range.


Makes boundaries of the specified area more diffuse, blending the correction more with the original image. A

higher value increases the softness.

Edge Thinning

Makes the specified area more sharply defined. The correction becomes more pronounced. A higher

value increases the edge definition of the specified area.

Invert Limit Color

Corrects all colors except for the color range that you specified with the Secondary Color Correction


More Help topics

Adjust color and luminance using curves

” on page 305

RGB Color Corrector effect

The RGB Color Corrector effect adjusts the color in a clip by applying adjustments to the tonal ranges that you define
for the highlights, midtones, and shadows. The effect lets you make tonal adjustments to each color channel
individually. You can also specify the color range to be corrected by using the Secondary Color Correction controls.

For more information about using the RGB Color Corrector effect, see the video tutorial, Tips & Tricks: Color
Correction, on the

Videomaker Magazine website



Lets you view adjustments in the Program monitor as the final results (Composite), tonal value adjustments

(Luma), display of the alpha matte (Mask), or a tritone representation of where the shadows, midtones, and highlights
fall (Tonal Range).

Show Split View

Displays the left or upper part of the image as the corrected view and the right or lower part of the

image as the uncorrected view.


Determines whether the Split View images are side by side (Horizontal) or above and below (Vertical).

Split View Percent

Adjusts the size of the corrected view. The default is 50%.

Tonal Range Definition

Defines the tonal range of the shadows and highlights using threshold and falloff controls:

Shadow Threshold

Determines the shadow’s tonal range.

Shadow Softness

Determines the shadow’s tonal range with falloff.

Highlight Threshold

Determines the highlight’s tonal range.

Highlight Softness

Determines the highlight’s tonal range with falloff.

Choose Tonal Range from the Output menu to view the highlights, midtones, and shadows as you adjust the Tonal
Range Definition controls.

Tonal Range

Specifies whether the color correction is applied to the entire image (Master), the highlights only,

midtones only, or shadows only.


Adjusts the image’s midtone values without affecting black and white levels. Use this control to adjust images

that are too dark or too light, without distorting shadows and highlights.