Set the display style of the audio track, Resize the track header section, Adjust visible area of video and audio tracks – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 139: Selecting a sequence preset

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Editing sequences and clips

Last updated 11/6/2011


Click OK.

Set the display style of the audio track


Expand the track by clicking the triangle next to the track name.


Click the Set Display Style button

, and choose an option from the menu:

Show Waveform

Displays audio waveforms in clips.

Show Name Only

Displays the name of audio clips without waveforms.

Note: For information about viewing and adjusting keyframes in video and audio tracks, see “

View keyframes and


” on page


Resize the track header section

Position the pointer over the right edge of the track header (where track names are listed) so that the resize icon

appears, and then drag the right edge.

The icons at the top of the track header limit its minimum width. The maximum width is about twice the minimum

Adjust visible area of video and audio tracks


Either in the track header area on the left or between the scroll bars on the right, position the pointer between the
Video 1 and Audio 1 tracks.


When the height adjustment icon appears

, drag up or down.

Selecting a sequence preset

A sequence can contain different types of assets, in different formats, and with various different parameters. However,
Premiere Pro performs best when the settings for a sequence match the parameters of most of the assets used in that
sequence. To optimize performance and reduce rendering times, find out the following parameters for the primary
assets you want to edit before creating a new sequence. After learning the asset parameters, you can create a sequence
with settings to match. If you will need to capture the assets from a tape-based device, you will need to know these
parameters also to select the correct capture settings.

recording format (e.g. DV, or DVCPRO HD)

file format (e.g. AVI, MOV, or VOB

frame aspect ratio (e.g. 16:9, or 4:3)

pixel aspect ratio (e.g. 1.0, or 0.9091)

frame rate (e.g. 29.97 fps, or 23.976 fps)

timebase (e.g. 29.97 fps, or 23.976 fps)

fields (e.g. progressive or interlaced)

audio sample rate (e.g. 32 Hz, or 48 Hz)

video codec

audio codec

You can use a third-party application, such as the freeware applications MediaInfo or GSpot Codec Information
Appliance, to discover these parameters for your assets. To find the codecs used to generate a file, you can also choose
Window > Show Movie Inspector in Apple QuickTime Player.