Tips for logging clips interactively, Choosing batch-capture settings – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual
Page 77

Capturing, digitizing, transferring, and importing
Last updated 11/6/2011
Play the tape. Click Set In or Set Out at any time, even as the tape plays. Repeat as necessary.
When you are satisfied with the In and Out points, click Log Clip, verify the clip data, and click OK.
You can make slight timecode adjustments by using the plus sign (+) or minus sign (–). For example, to add five frames
to the end of the Out point, select the entire Out point timecode, type
+5, and press Enter/Return.
Tips for logging clips interactively
Set options on the Logging pane of the Capture panel. Premiere Pro uses the current data in the Setup and Clip Data
sections as defaults for subsequent logged clips. If you want to log a series of clips into the same bin with similar
logging data, save work by specifying clip data before you start logging the series. When you click the Log Clip
button, a dialog box appears so that you can accept or change the clip data.
In the Clip Data section, specify a tape name. Premiere Pro asks for this name every time you begin batch capturing.
The Clip Name in the Clip Data section progresses in numerical increments automatically. For example, if you want
to number a series of clips with clip names starting with Car Chase, enter “Car Chase 01,” making sure that the clip
name ends with the number. Subsequent logged clips default to the next number, such as “Car Chase 02.”
You can change Capture panel settings at any time. For example, if you see the action changing as the tape plays
back, you can get ready to capture the new upcoming action by selecting a different bin to log subsequent clips into
or by typing a different name for Description or Scene. You don’t have to stop the tape as you change settings.
You can operate the device and log clips using the keyboard. See the tool tips for Capture panel controls, or choose
Edit > Keyboard Customization to view or change the shortcuts.
You must click Log Clip to create a new offline clip. This pauses the tape as you confirm the clip data for the new
offline clip.
Choosing batch-capture settings
A batch list of logged clips appears as a list of offline clips in the Project panel. If you plan to capture many clips, you
may want to create bins in the Project panel in advance so that you can log each set of offline clips directly into its own
bin. When you batch capture, the offline clips are replaced by captured clips, maintaining the bin organization you set
up in advance.
By default, the settings that Premiere Pro uses to batch capture offline clips are the capture settings of the project. If an
offline clip has its own capture settings, Premiere Pro uses the clip settings when capturing it; the resulting clip
maintains its capture settings so that it can easily be recaptured using the same settings. For example, if an offline clip
has HDV as its format and the format specified in the project capture settings is DV, Premiere Pro captures the clip in
HDV unless you change the clip capture settings. You can override clip capture settings by choosing the Override
Capture Settings option in the Batch Capture dialog box.
More Help topics
Specify capture settings (Windows)
Determine whether an offline clip has capture settings
You can determine whether an offline clip already has its own capture settings.
In the Project panel, scroll right to the Capture Settings column. If the column is hidden, choose Metadata Display
from the Project panel menu. Then click the triangle next to Premiere Project Metadata to expose column names.
Select Capture Settings. Click
If an offline clip has its own capture settings, its box in this column has a check mark.