Chapter 14: exporting, Basics of exporting, Types of exporting – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Last updated 11/6/2011

Chapter 14: Exporting

From making proofs for feedback from your collaborators to generating movies for the web, the Apple iPod, DVD,
Blu-ray disc, or videotape, Premiere Pro provides robust export options that are simple to use.

Basics of exporting

Types of exporting

You can export video from a sequence in the form best suited for further editing or for a viewing audience. Premiere
Pro supports export in formats for various uses and target devices.

Exporting files for further editing
In the course of editing, you might export editable movie or audio files in order to preview your work with effects and
transitions fully rendered, or to continue editing the files in applications other than Premiere Pro. Similarly, you may
want to export a still-image sequence to be edited in a paint or photographic program. Also, you may want to export
a still image from a single frame of video for use in a title or graphic.

After editing assets recorded to MXF files on a P2 card, you can export the edited sequence to P2 format for transfer
to another editing system that can use MXF media.

Exporting to tape
You can export a sequence or clip to videotape in a supported camcorder or VTR. This is an option sometimes useful
for archiving a master tape, or for delivering rough edits for screening from VTRs.

Export PDF documents for collaboration
Editors commonly need to show preliminary edits to clients and other collaborators, soliciting feedback for
improvements. In Premiere Pro, you can use Clip Notes to generate PDF files containing clips of those edits. You can
send these to collaborators who can then return their comments to you in sequence markers you can read at specific
frames in the timeline.

Send to Encore for DVD, Blu-ray disc, or SWF creation
You can send video from any sequence into Adobe Encore for output to DVD, Blu-ray disc (Windows only), or SWF.
Changes made in the timelines of either Premiere Pro or Encore are reflected in the other, by way of Adobe Dynamic
Link. You can send content from Premiere Pro to Adobe Encore for creating an autoplay disc without menus, or
quickly create menu-based discs using the professional templates in Adobe Encore. Alternately, you can use the deep
authoring tools of Adobe Encore, Adobe Photoshop and other applications, to author professional-quality discs. You
can also export in formats appropriate for video CD (Windows only) or CD-ROM distribution.

Export project files for other systems
You can export project files, not just clips, to standard EDL files. You can import EDL files into a variety of third-party
editing systems for finishing. When done, you can trim Premiere Pro projects down to their essentials and ready them,
with or without their source media, for archiving.