Compound blur effect, Directional blur effect, Fast blur effect (windows only) – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Effects and transitions

Last updated 11/6/2011

Compound Blur effect

The Compound Blur effect blurs pixels in the effect clip based on the luminance values of a control clip, also known
as a blur layer or blurring map. By default, bright values in the blur layer correspond to more blurring of the effect clip,
while dark values correspond to less blurring; select Invert Blur for light values to correspond to less blurring.

This effect is useful for simulating smudges and fingerprints, or changes in visibility caused by atmospheric conditions
such as smoke or heat, especially with animated blur layers.

Original (left), blur layer (center), and result (right)

Maximum Blur

The maximum amount, in pixels, that any part of the affected clip can be blurred.

Stretch Map To Fit

Stretches the control clip to the dimensions of the clip to which it is applied; otherwise, the control

clip is centered on the effect clip.

Directional Blur effect

The Directional Blur effect gives a clip the illusion of motion.

Original (left), and with effect applied (right)


The direction of the blur. The blur is applied equally on either side of a pixel’s center; therefore, a setting of

180° and a setting of 0° look the same.

Fast Blur effect (Windows only)

Fast Blur is a close approximation of Gaussian Blur, but Fast Blur blurs large areas more quickly.