Delete preview files, Play a sequence from start to finish, Scroll a sequence during preview – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 192: Previewing on a television monitor

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Editing sequences and clips

Last updated 11/6/2011

Delete preview files


With a Timeline panel active, do one of the following:

To delete the render files only for a range of clips, adjust the Work Area bar so that it spans only the desired range.
Then, choose Sequence > Delete Work Area Render Files. Those preview files which have any part of their
associated clip within the work area will be deleted.

To delete all the render files for a sequence, choose Sequence > Delete Render Files.

You can set a keyboard shortcut for Delete Render Files and Delete Work Area Render Files.


When you are prompted, click OK.

Ensure that Adobe video applications use the same cached files

Adobe video applications can automatically insert a unique document ID into each imported file. These unique IDs
ensure that each application accesses the same cached previews and conformed audio files, preventing additional
rendering and conforming.

In the Media section of the Preferences dialog box (or the Metadata section for Soundbooth), select Write XMP IDs
To Files On Import.

This setting is global—a change in one Adobe video application affects all the others. This setting also results in new
file modification dates when IDs are initially inserted.

To save rendering time when transferring a project to another computer, move both cached and original files.

Play a sequence from start to finish

In the Program Monitor, click the Play In To Out button


Scroll a sequence during preview

You can set an option to automatically scroll a sequence when it is wider than the visible area in its Timeline panel.


Choose Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General (Mac OS). Type the
desired lengths in the Preroll and Postroll fields.


Choose an option from the Timeline Playback Auto-Scrolling menu:

No Scroll

Sequence doesn’t scroll.

Page Scroll

Sequence scrolls through the visible area of a Timeline panel a page at a time. This is the option set by


Smooth Scroll

Current-time indicator stays in the center of the visible area while the sequence scrolls under it.

Previewing on a television monitor

You can display the sequence on any monitor connected to your computer. Previewing on a television monitor
requires video hardware that provides an appropriate video port for the monitor.