Enable or disable a clip, Group clips, Snap clips – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 184: Enable and disable the snap feature

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Editing sequences and clips

Last updated 11/6/2011

Selecting clips with the Track Select tool

To select clips in a track independently of its linked video or audio, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS)
using the Track Select tool


Enable or disable a clip

You can disable a clip while you try out a different editing idea, or to shorten processing time when working on a
complex project. Disabled clips do not appear in the Program Monitor or in a preview or video file that you export. As
long as you have not locked the track containing a disabled clip, you can still make changes to it. If you want to disable
all clips on the same track, exclude the entire track instead. See “

Targeting tracks

” on page 157.

Select one or more clips in a Timeline panel and choose Clip

> Enable. A check mark next to the command indicates

that the selected clips is enabled. Disabled clips appear dimmed in a Timeline panel.

Group clips

You can group multiple clips so that you can move, disable, copy, or delete them together. Both audio and video tracks
of a linked clip are included when you group it with other clips.

You can’t apply clip-based commands, such as the Speed command, or effects to the group, though you can select
individual clips in the group and apply effects.

You can trim the exterior edges of the group (the head of the first clip in a group or the tail of the last clip), but you
can’t trim any of the interior In and Out points.

To group clips, select multiple clips, and choose Clip > Group.

To ungroup clips, select a group clip, and choose Clip > Ungroup.

To select one or more clips in a group of clips, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) a single clip in a
group. Shift+Alt-click (Windows) or Shift+Option-click (Mac OS) to select additional clips in a group.

Snap clips

To make it easier to align clips with one another or with particular points in time, you can activate the snap feature.
With Snap on, when you move a clip, it automatically aligns with, or snaps to, the edge of another clip, a marker, the
start or end of the time ruler, or the current-time indicator. When you drag a portion of a clip vertically into another
track, it will snap to its original time location in the new track. Snapping also helps to ensure you don’t inadvertently
perform an insert or overlay edit when dragging. As you drag clips, a vertical line with arrows appears and indicates
when clips are aligned.

Enable and disable the snap feature

At the upper left of a Timeline panel under the Sequence tab, click the Snap button

to select it. Click it again to

deselect it.