Animate motion in the program monitor, Animate a clip in the program monitor – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Effects and transitions

Last updated 11/6/2011

Animate motion in the Program Monitor

You can create animations, insets, and split screens by manipulating a clip directly in the Program Monitor and setting
keyframes for the Motion effect. By adjusting a clip’s position and scale in the Program Monitor, you reveal clips in
the tracks below it and can create interesting compositions.

When you animate a clip’s position, the clip’s motion is represented by a motion path in the Program Monitor. Small
white Xs represent keyframed positions, dotted lines represent positions at interpolated frames, and the circular clip
anchor point symbol represents a spot in the clip, its center by default, at the current frame. The spacing between dots
indicates the speed between keyframes: wide spacing shows fast motion, while tightly spaced dots show slower motion.

Clip in Program Monitor showing a motion path with fast motion (left) compared to slow motion (right)

To quickly apply Motion effect changes to a sequence clip, you can click the image in the Program Monitor and begin
manipulation (without first clicking the Transform icon next to the Motion effect in the Effect Controls panel). If you

adjust the position of the image, you can further refine its movement by using the Bezier keyframes.

More Help topics

Adjust position, scale, and rotation

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About interpolation

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Control change using Bezier keyframe interpolation

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About keyframes

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Videomaker Tips & Tricks: Creating a [photo] montage in Premiere Pro

Animate a clip in the Program Monitor

When the Motion effect is selected in the Effect Controls panel, you can manipulate a clip in the Program Monitor.
Create an animation by setting keyframes for one or more of the Motion effect’s properties (for example, Position).