Add an object anchor point to a path, Delete an object anchor point, Adjust an object anchor point – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 256: Change the curve of a segment, Set options for open and closed bezier shapes

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Last updated 11/6/2011

Add an object anchor point to a path


Select the path.


Select Add Anchor Point Tool


To add an object anchor point without creating or manually adjusting a curve, click where you want to add an
object anchor point.

To add an object anchor point and simultaneously move the new point, drag the spot on the path where you want
to add an object anchor point.

Delete an object anchor point


Select the path containing the object anchor point.


Select Delete Anchor Point Tool



Click the point that you want to delete.

Adjust an object anchor point


Select the path containing the object anchor point.


Select Pen Tool .


Position the cursor over the point, and when the cursor becomes an arrow with a square next to it, drag the object
anchor point to adjust it.

Convert object anchor points from one type to another

While drawing, you may find it necessary to change the type of object anchor point you have created for a segment.


Select the path you want to modify.


Select Convert Anchor Point Tool and position the cursor over the object anchor point that you want to convert.

To convert a corner point to a smooth point, drag a direction point out of the corner point.

To convert a smooth point to a corner point without direction lines, click the smooth point.

To convert a corner point without direction lines to a corner point with independent direction lines, first drag a
direction point out of a corner point (making it a smooth point with direction lines). Release the mouse button, and
then drag either direction point.

To convert a smooth point to a corner point with independent direction lines, drag either direction point.

Note: When you position Pen Tool over an object anchor point, pressing the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Mac
OS) temporarily changes Pen Tool into Convert Anchor Point Tool.

Change the curve of a segment


Select the path you want to modify.


Select Pen Tool and drag a segment to change its curve.

Note: Dragging a segment changes the curve by adjusting the direction lines at each end of the segment by the same
amount. This technique can change a straight segment into a curved one.

Set options for open and closed Bezier shapes

Select a line or an open or closed Bezier shape, and in the Title Properties panel, specify any of the following options:

Line Width

Specifies the path width, in pixels.