Moving and copying keyframes, Move keyframes in time, Determine keyframe snapping – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 414: Copy and paste keyframes

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Last updated 11/6/2011


In the Automation Keyframe Optimization area, select one or both of the following options, and then click OK:

Linear Keyframe Thinning

Creates keyframes only at points that do not have a linear relationship to the start and end

keyframes. For example, suppose you are automating a fade from 0 dB to –12 dB. With this option selected, Premiere
Pro only creates keyframes at the points that represent an increase in value from the beginning (0 dB) and ending (–
12 dB) keyframes. If you do not select this option, Premiere Pro may create several incremental keyframes of identical
values between those two points, depending on the speed at which you change the value. This option is selected by

Minimum Time Interval Thinning

Creates keyframes only at intervals larger than the value that you specify. Enter a

value between 1 and 2000 milliseconds.

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Moving and copying keyframes

Move keyframes in time

Note: The first keyframe always uses the Start Keyframe icon

and the last keyframe always uses the End Keyframe



Use Selection Tool or Pen Tool to do one of the following:

In a Timeline panel, select one or more keyframes and drag to the desired time.

In the Effect Controls panel, select one or more keyframe markers and drag to the desired time.

Note: In the Effect Controls panel, a vertical black line extends above and below a selected keyframe. You can use the line
to align the keyframe with places on the time ruler or with other objects. If keyframe snapping is enabled, this line turns
white when the keyframe is aligned with certain types of objects. You determine the types with the Snap To control.

Determine keyframe snapping

In the Effect Controls panel, keyframe snapping pulls a keyframe into alignment with another object when it is dragged
near the position of that object. You can specify whether to enable keyframe snapping in the Effect Controls panel, and
determine the types of objects to which keyframes will snap.


Click the panel menu button at the upper right of the Effect Controls panel to open the panel menu.


Select Snap To. Check the objects, such as Video Keyframes, to which you want keyframes to snap. Deselect objects
to which you want no snapping. Return to this submenu to make each selection.

Copy and paste keyframes

You can copy keyframes and paste them either to a new time in the clip’s property or to the same effect property in a
different clip, using the Effect Controls panel. To quickly apply the same keyframe values at another point in time or
in another clip or track, copy and paste the keyframes in a Timeline panel.

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