About file, clip, and project metadata – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Managing assets

Last updated 11/6/2011

If you never use subclips and never import multiple instances of master clips, then each clip in your project is unique.
You can use XMP File properties exclusively, so all your metadata is recorded into the source file, visible to other
applications. Alternatively, you can use the traditional Clip properties, but turn linking on for all of them. Premiere
Pro automatically copies the clip data into the matching XMP properties, from that point on.

Fields under the File and the Speech Transcript headings show XMP metadata. Using Speech Search, you can
transcribe words spoken in a clip to text. Then search the text to find where a specific word is spoken in the clip. For
more information about using Speech Search, see “

Convert speech to text metadata

” on page 175.

For more information about XMP metadata, see the overview on the

Adobe website


For more information about XMP metadata, see the white paper on the

Adobe website


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XMP metadata in Creative Suite 4 Production Premium

About file, clip, and project metadata

For the most part, Adobe video and audio applications deal with metadata very similarly. Some small distinctions exist,
however, reflecting the unique workflow stage that each application addresses. When using applications in tandem, an
understanding of these slightly different approaches can help you get the most out of metadata.

Adobe OnLocation and Encore provide one set of metadata properties for all assets. However, Adobe Premiere Pro,
After Effects, and Soundbooth divide the Metadata panel into separate sections for different asset types.

Adobe Premiere Pro

Separates metadata in these sections:


Displays properties for clip instances you select in the Project panel or Timeline. This metadata is stored in

project files, so it appears only in Adobe Premiere Pro.


Displays properties for source files you select in the Project panel. This metadata is stored directly in the source

files, so it appears in other applications, including Adobe Bridge.

After Effects

Separates metadata in these sections:


Displays properties for the overall project. If you select Include Source XMP Metadata in the Output

Module Settings dialog box, this information is embedded into files you output from the Render Queue.


Displays properties for source files you select in the Project panel. (If you select a proxy, properties for the

actual file appear.)

For After Effects, both Project and File properties are stored directly in files, so you can access this metadata in Adobe


Separates metadata in these sections:


Displays properties for the currently displayed audio or ASND file. This metadata is stored directly in such

files, so it appears in other applications. (Adobe Bridge, however, does not display metadata for ASND files.)


Displays properties for multitrack clips you select in the Editor panel. This metadata is stored in the containing

ASND file, so it appears only in Soundbooth.

Adobe Premiere Pro and Soundbooth also provide a Speech Transcript section with metadata that appears only in
those applications.

More Help topics

Convert speech to text metadata

” on page 175