Set track display, Expand and resize a track, Set the display style of the video track – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 138: Set the default keyframe display of video tracks, Set the default keyframe display of audio tracks

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Editing sequences and clips

Last updated 11/6/2011

Note: To exclude all video or all audio tracks, Shift-click to hide the Eye icon

(for video) or the Speaker icon


audio). This excludes all tracks of the same type. (Each icon is a toggle switch. Shift-click its box again to display all the
icons and include the tracks.)

Set track display

You can customize the tracks in a Timeline panel in several ways. You can expand or collapse tracks to display or hide
track controls. Choosing from several display options, you can control how video and audio clips appear on a track.
In addition, you can change the size of the header area or move the boundary between the video and audio tracks to
display more tracks of either type.

Expand and resize a track

You can expand a track to display track controls. Increase the height of a track to better see icons and keyframes or to
display larger views of video track thumbnails and audio track waveforms.


To expand or collapse a track, click the triangle to the left of the track name.


To resize the track, position the pointer in the track header area between two tracks so that the height adjustment

appears, and then drag up or down to resize the track below (for video) or the track above (for audio).

Collapsed tracks always appear at the same height and cannot be resized.

You can expand an audio track to use the audio fade line for either individual clips in that track or for the entire audio

Set the display style of the video track


Expand the track by clicking the triangle next to the track name.


Click the Set Display Style button

at the left corner below the track name, and choose an option from the menu:

Show Head Only

Displays a thumbnail image at the beginning of the clips in the expanded track.

Show Frames

Displays thumbnail images along the entire duration of the clips in the expanded track. The number of

thumbnail frames corresponds to the time units displayed in the time ruler.

Show Name Only

Displays the name of clips in the expanded track, without thumbnail images.

Show Head And Tail

Displays a thumbnail image at the beginning and end of clips in the expanded track.

Set the default keyframe display of video tracks

You can determine whether new video tracks show all keyframes, hide all keyframes, or show opacity handles, by
default when they are created.


Select Edit >Preferences > General (Windows), or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General (Mac OS).


In the New Timeline Video Tracks drop-down menu, select the option desired.


Click OK.

Set the default keyframe display of audio tracks

You can determine whether new audio tracks hide all keyframes, or show Clip Keyframes, Clip Volume, Track
Keyframes, or Track Volume, by default when they are created.


Select Edit >Preferences > General (Windows), or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General (Mac OS).


In the New Timeline Audio Tracks drop-down menu, select the option desired.