Resize panel groups, Open, close, and scroll to panels – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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User interface

Last updated 11/6/2011

Resize panel groups

When you position the pointer over dividers between panel groups, resize icons appear. When you drag these icons,
all groups that share the divider are resized. For example, suppose your workspace contains three panel groups stacked
vertically. If you drag the divider between the bottom two groups, they are resized, but the topmost group doesn’t

To quickly maximize a panel beneath the pointer, press the tilde (~) key. (Do not press Shift.) Press the tilde key again
to return the panel to its original size.


Do either of the following:

To resize either horizontally or vertically, position the pointer between two panel groups. The pointer becomes a


To resize in both directions at once, position the pointer at the intersection between three or more panel groups.
The pointer becomes a four-way arrow



Hold down the mouse button, and drag to resize the panel groups.

Dragging divider between panel groups to resize them horizontally

A. Original group with resize icon B. Resized groups

Open, close, and scroll to panels

Even if a panel is open, it may be out of sight, beneath other panels. Choosing a panel from the Window menu brings
it to the front. Likewise, if a panel group is very narrow, a scroll bar above the group reveals all the panel tabs.

When you close a panel group in the application window, the other groups resize to make use of the newly available
space. When you close a floating window, the panels within it close, too.

To open or close a panel, choose it from the Window menu.

To close a panel or window, click its Close button


To see all the panel tabs in a narrow panel group, drag the horizontal scroll bar.