Select keyframes, Delete keyframes – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Last updated 11/6/2011

Keyframe navigator

A. Keyframe navigator in Effect Controls panel B. Current-time indicator C. Keyframe navigator in Timeline panel

Select keyframes

If you want to modify or copy a keyframe, first select it. Unselected keyframes appear hollow; selected keyframes
appear solid. You don’t need to select segments between keyframes because you can drag segments directly. Also,
segments automatically adjust when you change the keyframes that define their end points.

Do any of the following:

To select a keyframe, use the Selection tool or the Pen tool to click the Keyframe icon.

To select multiple keyframes, Shift-click with the Selection tool or the Pen tool to select multiple contiguous or
noncontiguous keyframes.

Note: When you position the Selection or Pen tool over a keyframe, the pointer appears with a Keyframe icon


To select multiple keyframes by dragging in the Timeline panel, use the Pen tool to draw a marquee selection box
around the keyframes. Shift-drag to add more keyframes to an existing selection.

In the Effect Controls panel, you can use the Selection tool to drag and select multiple keyframes.

To select all keyframes for a property in the Effect Controls panel, click the layer property name. For example, click
Position to select all the Position keyframes for a layer.

Delete keyframes

If you no longer need a keyframe, you can easily delete it from an effect property in either the Effect Controls or a
Timeline panel. You can remove all keyframes at once or deactivate keyframes for the effect property. In the Effect
Controls, when you deactivate keyframes with the Toggle Animation button, existing keyframes are deleted and no
new keyframes can be created until you reactivate keyframes.


Make sure that the effect property’s graphs are visible in the Effect Controls panel or Timeline panel.


Do one of the following:

Select one or more keyframes and choose Edit > Clear. You can also press Delete.

Navigate the current-time indicator to the keyframe and click the Add/Remove Keyframe button.

(Effect Controls panel only) To delete all keyframes for an effect property, click the Toggle Animation button to the
left of the name of the effect or property. When prompted to confirm your decision, click OK.

Note: When you deactivate the Toggle Animation button, keyframes for that property are permanently removed and the
value of that property becomes the value at the current time. You cannot restore deleted keyframes by reactivating the
Toggle Animation button. If you accidentally delete keyframes, choose Edit > Undo.