Best practices for content on mobile devices, Tips for creating video for mobile devices – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Last updated 11/6/2011

Preview a movie on a virtual mobile device using Premiere Pro

Using Adobe Device Central, you can preview movies formatted for mobile devices in emulations of those devices.
This option is available for most of the H.264 formats listed in the Adobe Media Encoder.


In Windows computers, make sure QuickTime is installed.


Start Premiere Pro.


Open the file to preview.


Select the file in the project area or Timeline.


Choose File > Export > Media.


In the Export Settings area of the Export Settings dialog box, select H.264 from the Format drop-down menu.


Select a mobile preset (e.g., 3GPP).

Open in Device Central should be checked by default.

The file is rendered.


To change the location and filename from the default, click the Output Name hot text, browse to the desired
location, and type a filename.


Click OK.

A temporary file is displayed in the Device Central Emulator tab.


To continue testing, double-click the name of a different device in the Device Sets or Available Devices lists.

Best practices for content on mobile devices

Adobe Device Central is an application that helps you optimize your video files for playback on a variety of mobile
devices. You can use Device Central to test content created in the following Adobe products: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver, Premiere Pro, and Adobe After Effects. Use the tips below to create video content
that is optimized for display on mobile devices.

Tips for creating video for mobile devices

Use these tips when shooting content for mobile devices:

Tight shots are better. Try to keep the subject separated from the background; the colors and values between
background and subject should not be too similar.

Be aware of lighting. Poor lighting is a greater problem with mobile devices and can reduce visibility on small
screens. Shoot and adjust with this limitation in mind.

Avoid excessive panning or rolling.

Use the following tips when editing video with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects:

Set the frame rate for the output movie according to output device or output type. For example, a commercial in
After Effects might be rendered at 15 frames per second (fps) for distribution on mobile devices, but at 29.97 fps
for broadcast television in the USA. In general, use a lower frame rate. A frame rate of 22 fps is a good compromise
for reducing file size without losing quality

Make the movie as small as possible and remove any extraneous content, especially empty frames. Many actions
can be done pre-encoding to limit file size. Some of them apply to shooting techniques, while others (for instance,
using motion-stabilization tools in After Effects or applying a noise-reduction or blur effect) are post-production
tasks that facilitate the compression portion of the encoder.