Jog or shuttle playback – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Monitoring assets

Last updated 11/6/2011

Most playback controls have keyboard equivalents. When you want to use keyboard shortcuts to control playback,
make sure that the monitor you want is active. Click the video image in the monitor you want to activate.

Note: When using keyboard shortcuts to move in a time ruler, make sure the panel you want is active. (Japanese-language
keyboards only) To use these keyboard shortcuts on a Japanese-language keyboard, make sure your keyboard is in direct
input mode, rather than Japanese input mode.

Do any of the following:

To play, click the Play button

, or press L or the spacebar. (To stop, click the Stop button

or press K or the

spacebar. The button and the spacebar toggle between Play and Stop.)

To play in reverse, press J.

To play from the In point to the Out point, click the Play In To Out button


To play an entire clip or sequence repeatedly, click the Loop button

, and then click the Play button

. Click

the Loop button

again to deselect it and prevent looping.

To play from the In point to the Out point repeatedly, click the Loop button

, and then click the Play In To Out


. Click the Loop button

again to deselect it and prevent looping.

To play forward at increasing speeds, press L repeatedly. For most media types, clip speed increases from one to
two to three to four times.

To play backward at increasing speeds, press J repeatedly. For most media types, backward clip speed increases
from one to two to three to four times.

To advance one frame, hold down the K key and press the L key.

To retreat one frame, hold down the K key and press the J key.

To play forward in slow motion, press Shift+L.

To play backwards in slow motion, press Shift+J.

To play around the current time, from two seconds before the current-time indicator to two seconds after the
current-time indicator, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Play In To Out button. Pressing Alt
(Windows) or Option (Mac OS) changes the button to the Play Around button


Play a sequence or clip with preroll and postroll pauses

You can preview a clip or sequence with preroll and postroll pauses.


Do one of the following:

Click on a Sequence tab to make a sequence active, and preview it in the Program monitor.

Double-click a clip in the Source panel or in a Timeline to preview it in the Source monitor.


Press Shift+spacebar.

More Help topics

Specify the duration for preroll and postroll pauses

” on page 45

Jog or shuttle playback

Do one of the following:

Drag the shuttle slider left to play backward, or right to play forward. Playback speed increases as you drag the slider
farther from its center position. Releasing the slider returns it to the center position and stops playback.