Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 931

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Bound class only:




To create a template file, you can either modify the template files, or create your own class template. To change the default class templates, open
the Panel Preferences and browse to the correct template file. Flash Professional then uses this template file for all your projects.

The Project Properties dialog contains a similar tab that allows you to set template files on a per-project basis.

The templates specified in the Panel Preferences are only used when creating new projects. To change a template path for a project, set it in the
Project Properties. Template paths in the Project Properties and Panel Preferences must be absolute paths. Relative paths are not supported.

Compiling FLA files

To test, publish or export a project FLA file, right-click (Windows) or command-click (Macintosh) on any FLA file in the project tree and select
the appropriate action from the context menu.

To test a project, click the Test Project button.

Flash compiles the FLA file specified as the project default document and opens the resulting SWF file. You can change the default
document at any time by right-clicking (Windows) or Command-clicking (Macintosh) on any FLA file and choosing Make Default Document
from the context menu.

The Project panel allows you to create a publish list. This is a list of FLA files that can be batch-compiled at any time.

To add or remove files from the publish list, select the checkbox to the right of each FLA file in the project list.

To publish the files in the publish list, click Publish Project in the Project panel Options menu.

If one of the FLA files has errors when compiling, the Project panel stops compiling the list and displays the error in the Output panel.

Create Flash projects for use with Flex class files

In Flash Professional you can create skins and other visual elements for use in Flex/Flash Builder. You can also create ActionScript code in
Flex/Flash Builder but publish the resulting SWF file using Flash Pro. To support the use of Flex class files in Flash Professional, the Project panel
allows you to indicate the location of the Flex SDK.

To use Flex classes in Flash Professional, you must specify the location of the Flex SDK.

1. Create a project.

2. Select Project Properties from the Options pop-up menu.

3. Select the Paths tab, and enter the directory path or browse to the Flex SDK. For example: C:\Program Files\Adobe FlexBuilder 3\sdks\3.0.0

4. Within the Paths tab, select the Source tab and add the path(s) to any folders containing ActionScript class files.

Click the Plus (+) button to enter a path, or the Browse button to select a folder containing class files. To delete a path, select it and click the
Minus (-) button.

5. Select the Library tab, and enter the path to SWC (Flash component) files or folders containing SWC files you want to use

Click the Plus (+) button to enter a path, or the Browse button to select a folder containing SWC files. To delete an SWC file or folder, select
it and click the Minus (-) button.

6. Select the External Library tab, and enter the path to SWC (Flash component) files or folders containing SWC files you want to load as

runtime shared libraries.

Click the Plus (+) button to enter a path or the Browse button to select a folder containing SWC files. To delete an SWC file or folder, select
it and click the Minus (-) button.

7. Click OK.

Videos and tutorials

The following resources provide additional detailed information about working with projects.


Flash Professional CS5.5 - Improved Project Workflows

(11:42, Adobe TV)


Working with the Project panel in Flash


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