Specify publish settings for png files (cs5) – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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Specify publish settings for PNG files (CS5)

PNG is the only cross-platform bitmap format that supports transparency (an alpha channel). It is also the native file format for Adobe®

Flash Professional exports the first frame in the SWF file as a PNG file, unless you mark a different keyframe for export by entering the #Static
frame label.

1. Select File > Publish Settings, click Formats, and select PNG Image.

2. For the PNG filename, either use the default filename, or enter a new filename with the .png extension.

3. Click PNG.

Dimensions Enter values for width and height in pixels for the exported bitmap image, or select Match Movie to make the PNG image the
same size as the SWF file and maintain the aspect ratio of your original image.

Bit depth Set the number of bits per pixel and colors to use in creating the image. The higher the bit depth, the larger the file.

8-bits per channel (bpc) for a 256-color image

24-bpc for thousands of colors

24-bpc with Alpha for thousands of colors with transparency (32 bpc)

4. To specify appearance settings for the exported PNG, select from the following options:

Optimize Colors Removes any unused colors from a PNG file’s color table, reducing the file size by 1000 to 1500 bytes without affecting
image quality but increasing the memory requirements slightly. Has no effect on an adaptive palette.

Interlace Incrementally shows the exported PNG in a browser as it downloads. Lets the user see basic graphic content before the file
completely downloads and might download the file faster over a slow network connection. Do not interlace an animated PNG file.

Smooth Applies anti-aliasing to an exported bitmap to produce a higher-quality bitmap image and improve text display quality. However,
smoothing might cause a halo of gray pixels to appear around an anti-aliased image placed on a colored background, and it increases the
PNG file size. Export an image without smoothing if a halo appears or if you’re placing a PNG transparency on a multicolored background.

Dither Solids Applies dithering to solid colors and gradients.

Remove Gradients (Default is off) Converts all gradient fills in the application to solid colors using the first color in the gradient. Gradients
increase the size of a PNG and are often poor quality. To prevent unexpected results, select the first color of your gradients carefully if you
use this option.

5. If you selected 8-bpc for Bit Depth, select a Dither option to specify how pixels of available colors are mixed to simulate colors not available

in the current palette. Dithering can improve color quality, but it increases file size. Select from the following options:
None Turns off dithering and replaces colors not in the basic color table with the solid color from the table that most closely approximates
the specified color. Turning dithering off can produce smaller files but unsatisfactory colors.

Ordered Provides good-quality dithering with the smallest increase in file size.

Diffusion Provides the best-quality dithering but increases file size and processing time. It also works only with the Web 216-color palette

6. Select one of the following Palette Types to define the color palette for the PNG image:

Web 216 Uses the standard 216-color, web-safe palette to create the PNG image, for good image quality and the fastest processing on the

Adaptive Analyzes the colors in the image and creates a unique color table for the selected PNG file. Best for systems showing thousands
or millions of colors; it creates the most accurate color for the image but results in a file size larger than a PNG created with the web-safe
216-color palette.

Web Snap Adaptive Is the same as the Adaptive palette option except that it converts colors similar to the web-safe 216-color palette. The
resulting color palette is optimized for the image, but when possible, Flash Professional uses colors from the web-safe 216-color palette.
This produces better colors for the image when the web-safe 216-color palette is active on a 256-color system. To reduce the size of a PNG
file with an adaptive palette, use the Max Colors option to decrease the number of palette colors.

Custom Specifies a palette that you optimized for the selected image. The custom palette is processed at the same speed as the web-safe
216-color palette. To use this option, know how to create and use custom palettes. To select a custom palette, click the Palette folder icon
(the folder icon that appears at the end of the Palette text field), and select a palette file. Flash Professional supports palettes saved in the
ACT format that leading graphics applications export.

7. If you selected the Adaptive or Web Snap Adaptive palette, enter a value for Max Colors to set the number of colors used in the PNG image.

A smaller number of colors can produce a smaller file but might degrade the colors in the image.

8. To select a line-by-line filtering method to make the PNG file more compressible and experiment with the different options for a particular

image, select one of the following Filter options:
None Turns off filtering.