Create a new document – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
Page 922

1. In Dreamweaver, open the Property inspector (Window > Properties).
2. In the Dreamweaver document, do one of the following:
Click the SWF file placeholder to select it; then in the Property inspector click Edit.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the placeholder for the SWF file, and select Edit With Flash from the context menu.
Dreamweaver switches the focus to Flash, and Flash attempts to locate the Flash authoring file (FLA) for the selected SWF file. If Flash
cannot locate the Flash authoring file, you are prompted to locate it.
Note: If the FLA file or SWF file is locked, check out the file in Dreamweaver.
3. In Flash, edit the FLA file. The Flash Document window indicates that you are modifying the file from within Dreamweaver.
4. When you finish making edits, click Done.
Flash updates the FLA file, re-exports it as a SWF file, closes, and then returns the focus to the Dreamweaver document.
Note: To update the SWF file and keep Flash open, in Flash select File > Update for Dreamweaver.
5. To view the updated file in the document, click Play in the Dreamweaver Property inspector or press F12 to preview your page in a browser
Create a new document
You can create a new document or open a previously saved document in Flash Professional, and you can open a new window as you work. You
can set properties for new or existing documents.
Create a new document
1. Select File > New.
2. On the General tab, select the type of Flash document you want to create.
3. Do one of the following:
(CS5.5 only) Choose Height, Width, Frame Rate, and other settings on the right side of the dialog box.
Choose settings for the document. See Set properties for a new or existing document.
Create a new document from a template
1. Select File > New.
2. Click the Templates tab.
3. Select a category from the Category list, select a document from the Category Items list, and click OK. You can select standard templates
that come with Flash Professional or a template you have already saved.
Open an existing document
1. Select File > Open.
2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the file or enter the path to the file in the Go To box.
3. Click Open.
View a document when multiple documents are open
When you open multiple documents, tabs at the top of the Document window identify the open documents and let you easily navigate among
them. Tabs appear only when documents are maximized in the Document window.
Click the tab of the document you want to view.
By default, tabs appear in the order in which the documents were created. You can drag the document tabs to change their order.
Open a new window for the current document
Select Window > Duplicate Window.
Set properties for a new or existing document
1. With the document open, select Modify > Document.
The Document Settings dialog box appears.
2. To set the Dimensions of the Stage do one of the following:
To specify the Stage size in pixels, enter values in the Width and Height boxes. The minimum size is 1 x 1 pixels; the maximum is
2880 x 2880 pixels.
To match the Stage size to the exact amount of space used by the contents of the Stage, select the Match Contents option.