Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 238

background image

Asset Paths

JavaScript Namespaces

Hosted Libraries

Include Hidden Layers

Compact Shapes

Multiframe bounds


The relative URLs to export images, sounds, and supporting CreateJS JavaScript libraries to. If the check box to the right is not

checked, those assets are not exported from the FLA, but the specified path is still used to assemble their URLs. It expedites publishing from an
FLA with many media assets, or avoid overwriting modified JavaScript libraries.

The namespace in which symbols, images, and the CreateJS libraries are placed into and referenced from.

If checked, it uses copies of the libraries hosted on the CreateJS CDN at It allows the libraries to be cached

and shared between various sites.

If deselected, hidden layers are not included in the output.

If checked, vector instructions are outputted in a compact form. Deselect to export readable, verbose instructions (useful for

learning purposes).

If checked, timeline symbols include a frameBounds property containing an array of Rectangles corresponding to the bounds

of each frame in the timeline. Multiframe bounds significantly increases publish time.

3. Click Publish to publish your content to the specified location.

An animation designed using nested timelines, with a single frame, cannot be looped.