Tutorials and examples – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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interlacing from all video footage that it processes.

Follow the same guidelines for audio

The same considerations apply to audio production as to video production. To achieve good audio compression, begin with clean audio. If you are
encoding material from a CD, try to record the file using direct digital transfer instead of through the analog input of your sound card. The sound
card introduces an unnecessary digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion that can create noise in your source audio. Direct digital transfer
tools are available for Windows and Macintosh platforms. To record from an analog source, use the highest-quality sound card available.

Note: If your source audio file is monaural (mono), it is recommended that you encode in mono for use with Flash. If you are encoding with
Adobe Media Encoder, and using an encoding preset, be sure to check if the preset encodes in stereo or mono, and select mono if necessary.

Tutorials and examples

The following video tutorials and articles provide detailed explanations of creating and preparing video for use in Flash Professional. Some items
show Flash Professional CS3 or CS4, but still apply to Flash Professional CS5.


Creating FLV and F4V files (4:23)



Flash 411 - Video encoding basics (15:16)



Batch encoding with Adobe Media Encoder (5:45)



Using Adobe Media Encoder



H.264 for the rest of us


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