Turn on snap alignment create a guide layer, Turn on snap alignment, Create a guide layer – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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2. In the Edit Snapping dialog box, select the types of objects to want to snap to.

3. Click the Advanced button and select any of the following:

To set the snap tolerance between objects and the Stage border, enter a value for Movie Border.

To set the snap tolerance between the horizontal or vertical edges of objects, enter a value for Horizontal, Vertical, or both.

To turn on Horizontal or Vertical Center Alignment, select Horizontal or Vertical Center Alignment or both.

Turn on Snap Alignment

When Snap Alignment is turned on, dotted lines appear on the Stage when you drag an object to the specified snap tolerance. For example, if you
set Horizontal snap tolerance to 18 pixels (the default setting), a dotted line appears along the edge of the object you are dragging when the object
is exactly 18 pixels from another object. If you turn on Horizontal Center Alignment, a dotted line appears along the horizontal center vertices of
two objects when you precisely align the vertices.

Select View > Snapping > Snap Align. A check mark appears next to the command when it is on.

Create a guide layer

For help in aligning objects when drawing, create guide layers and align objects on other layers to the objects you create on the guide layers.
Guide layers are not exported and do not appear in a published SWF file. Any layer can be a guide layer. Guide layers are indicated by a guide
icon to the left of the layer name.

Select the layer and Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) and select Guide from the context menu. To change the layer back to a

normal layer, select Guide again.
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