Motion tween animation – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 67

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Motion tween animation

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About tween animation
Applying motion presets
Create tween animation
Edit the motion path of a tween animation
Edit animation tween spans in the Timeline
Working with Motion tweens saved as XML files

(Deprecated with Flash Professional CC) Editing animation property curves with the Motion Editor

(Deprecated with Flash Professional CC) Easing tween animations

About tween animation

Before you begin

Like most things in Flash, animation does not require any ActionScript. However, you can create animation with ActionScript if you choose.

Before creating tweens, it is helpful to understand the following Flash Pro concepts:

Drawing on the Stage

Timeline layers and the stacking order of objects within a single layer as well as across layers

Moving and transforming objects on the Stage and in the Property inspector

Using the Timeline, including object lifetime and selecting objects at specific points in time. See

Frames and keyframes

to learn the basics.

Symbols and symbol properties. Tweenable symbol types include movie clips, buttons, and graphics. Text is also tweenable.

Nested symbols. Symbol instances can be nested inside other symbols.

Optional: Bezier curve editing using the Select and Subselect tools. These tools can be used for editing tween motion paths.

For more information about these concepts, see the list of links at the bottom of this page.

Understanding motion tweens


motion tween

is an animation that is created by specifying different values for an object property in different frames. Flash Pro calculates the

values for that property in between those two frames. The term tween comes from the words “in between”.

For example, you can place a symbol left of the Stage in frame 1, and move it to the right of the Stage in frame 20. When you create a tween,
Flash Pro calculates all the positions of the movie clip in between. The result is an animation of the symbol moving from left to right, from frame 1
to frame 20. In each frame in between, Flash Pro moves the movie clip one 20th of the distance across the Stage.

A tween span is a group of frames in the Timeline in which an object has one or more properties changed over time. A tween span appears in the
Timeline as a group of frames in a single layer with a blue background. These tween spans can be selected as a single object and dragged from
one location in the Timeline to another, including to another layer. Only one object on the Stage can be animated in each tween span. This object
is called the target object of the tween span.

A property keyframe is a frame within a tween span where you explicitly define one or more property values for the tween target object. These
properties could include position, alpha (transparency), color tint, and so on. Each property you define has its own property keyframes. If you set
more than one property in a single frame, then the property keyframes for each of those properties reside in that frame. You can view each
property of a tween span and its property keyframes in the Motion Editor. You can also choose which types of property keyframes to display in the
Timeline from the tween span context menu.