Transform gradient and bitmap fills – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 431

background image


To the top

Center point

Focal point




Fill empty areas, and change the color of already painted areas.

Paint with solid colors, gradients, and bitmap fills.

Use the Paint Bucket tool to fill areas that are not entirely enclosed.

Have Flash Pro close gaps in shape outlines as you use the Paint Bucket tool.

1. Select the Paint Bucket tool from the Tools panel.

2. Select a fill color and style.

3. Click the Gap Size modifier that appears at the bottom of the Tools panel and select a gap size option:

Don’t Close Gaps to close gaps manually before filling the shape. Closing gaps manually can be faster for complex drawings.

A Close option to have Flash Pro fill a shape that has gaps.

If gaps are too large, you might have to close them manually.

4. Click the shape or enclosed area to fill.

Transform gradient and bitmap fills

You can transform a gradient or bitmap fill by adjusting the size, direction, or center of the fill.

1. Select the Gradient Transform tool

from the Tools panel. If you do not see the Gradient Transform tool in the Tools panel, click and hold

on the Free Transform tool and then select the Gradient Transform tool from the menu that appears.

2. Click an area filled with a gradient or bitmap fill. A bounding box with editing handles appears. When the pointer is over any one of these

handles, it changes to indicate the function of the handle.

The rollover icon for the center point handle is a four-way arrow.

The focal point handle appears only when you select a radial gradient. The rollover icon for the focal point handle is an

inverted triangle.

The rollover icon for the size handle (middle handle icon on the edge of the bounding box) is a circle with an arrow inside of it.

Adjusts the rotation of the gradient. The rollover icon for the rotation handle (the bottom handle icon on the edge of the bounding

box) is four arrows in the shape of a circle.

Adjusts the width of the gradient. The rollover icon for the width handle (the square handle) is a double-ended arrow.

Press Shift to constrain the direction of a linear gradient fill to multiples of 45°.