Exporting graphics and videos – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
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Exporting Graphics and Videos
PNG sequence
FXG graphic interchange format (deprecated with Flash Professional CC)
JPEG Sequence and JPEG Image
PNG Sequence and PNG Image
Animated GIF, GIF Sequence, and GIF Image
(Deprecated with Flash Professional CC) Bitmap (BMP) image
Exporting HD videos with Adobe Media Encoder
Comparing the erstwhile and new export video workflows
Export begins at Frame #2
Exporting HD video
Exporting images and graphics
PNG sequence
You can export a series of image files from an individual movie clip, button, or graphic symbol in the Library or on the Stage. During export, Flash
Pro creates a separate image file for each frame in the symbol. If you export from the Stage, any transformations (for example, scaling) you have
applied to the symbol instance are preserved in the image output.
To export a PNG sequence:
1. Select a single movie clip, button, or graphic symbol in the Library or the Stage.
2. Right click it and choose Export PNG Sequence.
3. In the Save As dialog, choose a location for the output and click OK.
4. In the Export PNG Sequence dialog, set your desired options. See below.
5. Click Export to export the PNG sequence.
The export options include:
Width - The width of the image output. You can scale the output by changing this value. The default is the width of the symbol content.
Height - The height of the image output. You can scale the output by changing this value. The default is the height of the symbol content.
Resolution - The resolution of the image output. The default is 72 dpi.
Colors - The bit depth of the image output. You can select 8, 24, or 32 bit. The default is 32 bit, which supports transparency. If you select 24 bit
or 8 bit, which do not support transparency, the Background setting changes to Stage. See below.
Background - The color to use as the background color for the image output. This setting is only available when the Colors option is set to 8 bit
or 24 bit. When Colors is set to 32 bit, the image background is always transparent. When the Colors option is set to 8 bit or 24 bit, the
Background option defaults to the Stage color. With 8 bit or 24 bit images, you can change the setting to Opaque and then select a background
color from the color picker. Alternatively, choose an alpha value for the background to create transparency.
Smooth - Toggles whether to apply smoothing to the edges of the image output. Turn off this option if you are not using a transparent background
and images placed on a background color are different from the current color of the Stage.
FXG graphic interchange format (deprecated with Flash Professional CC)
About FXG files
The FXG format is a graphic interchange file format for the Flash Platform. FXG is based on a subset of MXML, the XML-based programming