Publish settings – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
Page 520

Publish settings
Specify publish settings for Flash (.swf) files
Specify publish settings for SWC files and projectors
Specify publish settings for HTML wrapper files
Specify publish settings for Flash Player detection
Specify publish settings for GIF files
Specify publish settings for JPEG files
Specify publish settings for PNG files
Preview the publishing format and settings
Using publish profiles
Specify publish settings for Flash (.swf) files
CS5.5 only - You can also specify the Publish settings for Player version and ActionScript version in the Property inspector. Deselect all
items on Stage to display the Document properties in the Property inspector.
1. Select File > Publish Settings, and select a Player version from the Player pop-up menu. Not all features work in published SWF files that
target Flash Player versions earlier than Flash Player 10. To specify Flash Player detection, click the HTML Wrapper category in the left
column and select Detect Flash Version and enter Flash Player version to detect.
Note: In Flash Pro CS5.5, the Flash Player 10.2 setting creates a SWF file using version 11 of the SWF format. The Flash Player 10 & 10.1
setting creates a SWF file using version 10 of the format.
2. Select the ActionScript® version from the Script pop-up menu. If you select ActionScript 2.0 or 3.0 and you’ve created classes, click the
ActionScript Settings button to set the relative classpath to class files that differ from the default directory path set in Preferences.
Note: With Flash Professional CC, only ActionScript 3.0 is supported.
3. To control bitmap compression, click the Flash category in the left column and adjust the JPEG Quality value. Lower image quality produces
smaller files; higher image quality produces larger files. Try different settings to determine the best trade-off between size and quality; 100
provides the highest quality and least compression.
To make highly compressed JPEG images look smoother, select Enable JPEG Deblocking. This option reduces typical artifacts resulting
from JPEG compression, such as the common appearance of 8x8-pixel blocking of the image. Some JPEG images may lose a small amount
of detail when this option is selected.
4. To set the sample rate and compression for all streaming sounds or event sounds in the SWF file, click the values next to Audio Stream or
Audio Event and select options as needed.
A streaming sound plays as soon as enough data for the first few frames downloads; it is synchronized to the Timeline. An event
sound does not play until it downloads completely, and it continues to play until explicitly stopped.
5. To override settings for individual sounds specified in the Sound section of the Property inspector, select Override Sound Settings. To create
a smaller, low-fidelity version of a SWF file, select this option.
If the Select Override Sound Settings option is deselected, Flash Pro scans all streaming sounds in the document (including sounds
in imported video) and publishes all stream sounds at the highest individual setting. This can increase file size if one or more stream sounds
has a high export setting.
6. To export sounds suitable for mobile devices, instead of the original library sound, select Export Device Sounds. Click OK.