Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 620

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To specify superscript or subscript character position, click the Toggle Superscript or Toggle Subscript button. The default position is
Normal. Normal places text on the baseline, Superscript places text above the baseline (horizontal text) or to the right of the baseline
(vertical text), and Subscript places text below the baseline (horizontal text) or to the left of the baseline (vertical text).

Set alignment, margins, indents, and line spacing

Alignment determines the position of each line of text in a paragraph relative to edges of the text field. Horizontal text is aligned relative to the left
and right edges of the text field, and vertical text is aligned relative to the top and bottom edges of the text field. Text can be aligned to one edge
of the text field, centered in the text field, or aligned to both edges of the text field (full justification).

Margins determine the amount of space between the border of a text field and its text. Indents determine the distance between the margin of a
paragraph and the beginning of the first line.

Line spacing determines the distance between adjacent lines in a paragraph. For vertical text, line spacing adjusts the space between vertical

Work with horizontal text

1. Using the Text tool

, select one or more text fields on the Stage.

2. In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), set the following options:

To set alignment, click Left, Center, Right, or Full Justification.

To set the left or right margin, enter values in the Margins text fields in the Paragraph section of the Property inspector.

To specify indents, enter a value in the Indentation text field in the Paragraph section of the Property inspector.

To specify line spacing, enter a value in the Line Spacing text field in the Paragraph section of the Property inspector.

Work with vertical text

1. Using the Text tool

, select one or more text fields on the Stage.

2. In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), set the following options:

To set alignment, click Top, Center, Bottom, or Full Justification.

To set the top or bottom margin, enter values in the Margins fields in the Paragraph section of the Property inspector.

To specify indents, enter a value in the Indentation text field in the Paragraph section of the Property inspector.

To specify line spacing, enter a value in the Line Spacing text field in the Paragraph section of the Property inspector.

Classic text anti-aliasing

Anti-aliasing lets you smooth the edges of onscreen text. The anti-aliasing options are particularly effective for rendering smaller font sizes. When
anti-aliasing is enabled, all text in the current selection is affected. Anti-aliasing operates with text of all point sizes in the same way.

Anti-aliasing is supported for static, dynamic, and input text if the user has Flash® Player 7 or later. It is supported only for static text if the user
has an earlier version of Flash Player.

When using small text in a Flash Professional document, keep in mind the following guidelines:

Sans serif text, such as Helvetica or Arial, appears clearer at small sizes than serif text.

Some type styles, such as bold and italic, can make text less legible at small sizes.

In some cases, text appears somewhat smaller than text of the same point size in other applications.

The Flash Professional text rendering engine provides clear, high-quality text rendering in Flash Professional (FLA) documents and published
SWF files. The Anti-alias for Readability setting makes text more legible, particularly at small font sizes. Custom anti-aliasing lets you specify the
thickness and sharpness of fonts used in individual text fields.

High quality anti-aliasing is automatically enabled whenever you publish to Flash Player 8 or later and Anti-Alias For Readability or Custom Anti-
Alias is selected. Anti-Alias For Readability may cause a slight delay when you load Flash Professional SWF files, especially if you are using four
or five different character sets in the first frame of a Flash Professional document. High-quality anti-aliasing may also increase Flash Player’s
memory usage. Using four or five fonts, for example, can increase memory usage by approximately 4 MB.

When the publish setting of your file is Adobe® Flash® Player 8 or later, and Anti-Alias For Readability or Custom Anti-Alias is your chosen anti-
aliasing option, high-quality anti-aliasing applies to the following:

Untransformed text that is scaled or rotated

Note: Although the text can be scaled or rotated, it must remain flat (that is, untransformed). For example, if you skew the fonts or otherwise
manipulate the font shapes, Anti-Alias for Readability is automatically disabled.

All font families (including bold, italic, and so on)

Display sizes of up to 255 points