Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 347

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Show Import Dialog Box

Exclude Objects Outside Crop Area

Import Hidden Layers

Import Text As

Editable Text

Vector Outlines

The Library panel after importing an AI file

(Flash Professional CS6 and earlier versions only) AI File Importer preferences

The Flash Preferences dialog box lets you set import preferences for AI files and the AI File Import dialog box. The preferences you specifiy for
importing AI files affect the options the AI Import dialog box is initially populated with for the Illustrator object types.

To override the preferences specified for different layer types on an object by object basis, use the AI Import dialog box. Select the layer,

object, or group to change its import options, and specify the necessary options.

Preferences that affect how the AI Importer will respond when importing AI files:

Specifies that the AI File Import Dialog dialog box appears.

Excludes objects on the Illustrator canvas which fall outside the artboard or crop area.

Specifies that hidden layers be imported by default.

Lets you specify the following import preferences for text objects:

Specifies that imported Illustrator text is editable Flash Pro text. The appearance of the text may be compromised to

maintain the editability of the text.

Converts text to vector paths. Use this option to preserve the visual appearance of the text. Some visual effects might be

sacrificed—such as unsupported blend modes and filters—but visual attributes such as text on a path are maintained if the text is imported
as a movie clip. The text itself is no longer editable, but opacity and compatible blend modes maintain their editability.

note: To preserve the drop shadow, inner glow, outer glow, and Gaussian blur that AI effects applied to text as editable Flash Pro filters,
select Create Movie Clip Import to import the text as a movie clip.