Copy and pasting between illustrator and flash – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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Create Movie Clip

Import As Bitmap

Create Movie Clip

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Paste As Bitmap

Paste Using AI File Importer Preferences

Apply Recommended Import Settings To Resolve Incompatibilities

Maintain Layers

Imports Illustrator images as movie clips.

(Flash Professional CS6 and earlier versions only) Group import options

Groups are collections of graphic objects that are treated as a single unit. Grouping lets you move or transform a number of objects without
affecting their attributes or relative positions. For example, you might group the objects in a logo design so that you can move and scale the logo
as one unit. Groups can also be nested. That is, they can be grouped in other objects or groups to form larger groups.

Groups appear as items in the Import panel. When an item such as a group contains other items, a triangle appears to the left of the
item’s name. Click the triangle to show or hide the contents of the group. If no triangle appears, the item contains no additional items.

Rasterizes the group into a bitmap to preserve the appearance of the objects as they appeared in Illustrator. After a group is

converted to a bitmap, the objects in it cannot be selected or renamed.

Encapsulates all objects in the group into a single movie clip.

Copy and pasting between Illustrator and Flash

If you copy and paste (or drag-and-drop) artwork between Illustrator and Flash Pro, the Paste dialog box appears, which provides import settings
for the AI file being copied (or pasted).

Flattens the file being copied into a single bitmap object.

Imports the file using the AI file import setting specified in Flash Pro Preferences (Edit > Preferences).

Enabled by default when Paste Using AI File Importer Preferences is

selected. Automatically fixes any incompatibilities detected in the AI file.

Enabled by default when Paste Using AI File Importer Preferences is selected. Specifies that layers in the AI file be converted to

Flash Pro layers (the same as if you selected Convert To Flash Layers from the AI Import dialog box). If deselected, all layers are flattened into a
single layer.