Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
Page 525
devicefont attribute/parameter
src attribute
movie parameter
classid attribute
width attribute
height attribute
codebase attribute
pluginspage attribute
swliveconnect attribute
Vertical Alignment options. These options set the SALIGN parameter of the HTML object and embed tags.
Parameters and attributes for object and embed tags
The following tag attributes and parameters describe the HTML code that the Publish command creates. Refer to this list as you write custom
HTML to show Flash Pro content. Unless noted, all items apply to both the object and embed tags. Optional entries are noted. Internet Explorer
recognizes parameters used with the object tag; Netscape recognizes the embed tag. Attributes are used with both the object and embed
tags. When you customize a template, you can substitute a template variable (identified in the Value section for each parameter in the following
list) for the value.
The attributes and parameters listed in this section are shown in lowercase to comply with the XHTML standard.
(Optional) Specifies whether static text objects are rendered in device fonts, even if the Device Font option is not
selected. This attribute applies when the necessary fonts are available from the operating system.
Value: true | false
Template variable: $DE
Specifies the name of the SWF file to be loaded. Applies to the embed tag only.
Value: movieName.swf
Template variable: $MO
Specifies the name of the SWF file to be loaded. Applies to the object tag only.
Value: movieName.swf
Template variable: $MO
Identifies the ActiveX control for the browser. The value must be entered exactly as shown. Applies to the object tag only.
Value: clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000
Specifies the width of the application either in pixels or as a percentage of the browser window.
Value: n or n%
Template variable: $WI
Specifies the height of the application either in pixels or as a percentage of the browser window.
Because Flash Pro applications are scalable, quality doesn’t degrade at different sizes if the aspect ratio is maintained. (For example, the
following sizes all have a 4:3 aspect ratio: 640 x 480 pixels, 320 x 240 pixels, and 240 x 180 pixels.)
Value: n or n%
Template variable: $HE
Identifies the location of the Flash Player ActiveX control so that the browser can automatically download it if it is not already
installed. The value must be entered exactly as shown. Applies to the object tag only.
Identifies the location of the Flash Player plug-in so that the user can download it if it is not already installed. The value
must be entered exactly as shown. Applies to the embed tag only.
(Optional) Specifies whether the browser should start Java™ when loading Flash Player for the first time. The default
value is false if this attribute is omitted. If you use JavaScript and Flash Pro on the same page, Java must be running for the fscommand()
function to work. However, if you use JavaScript only for browser detection or another purpose unrelated to fscommand() actions, you can
prevent Java from starting by setting SWLIVECONNECT to false. To force Java to start when you are not using JavaScript, explicitly set the
attribute to true. Starting Java substantially increases the startup time for a SWF file; set this tag to true only when necessary.