Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
Page 424

Shape layer import preferences
These options specify how the import options for shape layers will initially be set.
Editable Paths And Layer Styles This option will create an editable vector shape with a bitmap clipped inside the vector shape. Supported blend
modes and opacity will also be maintained with this option, but other visual attributes that cannot be reproduced in Flash will be sacrificed. If this
option is selected, then the object must be converted into a movie clip.
Flattened Bitmap Images This option will rasterize the shape and maintain the exact appearance the shape layer had in Photoshop.
Create Movie Clips This option will set the shape layers to be converted to a movie clip when imported into Flash. This option can be changed on
an object by object basis if you do not want some shape layers to be converted to movie clips. This option is disabled if the Maintain Editable
Paths and Layers Styles checkbox is checked.
Layer group import preferences
This option specifies how the options for layer groups will initially be set.
Create Movie Clips Specifies that all groups be converted to a movie clip when imported into Flash. This can be changed on an object by object
basis if you do not want some layer groups to be movie clips.
Merged bitmap import preferences
This option specifies how the import options for merged bitmaps will initially be set.
Create Movie Clips This option will set the merged bitmaps to be converted to a movie clip when imported into Flash. This option can be
changed on an object by object basis if you do not want some merged bitmaps to be converted to movie clips. This option is disabled if the
Maintain Editable Paths And Layers Styles checkbox is checked.
Movie clip registration import preferences
Specifies a global registration point for movies that are created. This setting applies to the registration point for all object types. This option can be
changed on an object by object basis in the PSD Import dialog box; this is the initial setting for all object types. For more information on movie clip
registration, see Edit symbols.
Publish settings for imported images
The publish settings preferences for a FLA file let you specify the degree of compression and document quality to apply to images when publishing
the Flash Professional document as a SWF file. These settings take effect only when you publish the document as a SWF file, and have no effect
on the image when you import it to the Flash Professional stage or library.
Compression Lets you choose either lossy or lossless compression formats:
Lossy Lossy (JPEG) compresses the image in JPEG format. To use the default compression quality specified for the imported image,
select Use Publish Setting. To specify a new quality compression setting, select the Custom option and enter a value between 1 and 100
in the Quality text field. (A higher setting preserves greater image integrity but yields a larger file size.)
Lossless Lossless (PNG/GIF) compresses the image with lossless compression, in which no data is discarded from the image.
Note: Use lossy compression for images with complex color or tonal variations, such as photographs or images with gradient fills. Use
lossless compression for images with simple shapes and relatively few colors.
Quality Lets you set a quality level for the comression.
Use Publish Setting Applies the current JPEG Quality setting from the Publish Settings.
Custom Lets you specify a separate specific quality setting.
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