3d graphics – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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3D graphics

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About 3D graphics in Flash
Move objects in 3D space
Rotate objects in 3D space
Adjusting the Perspective Angle
Adjust the Vanishing Point

About 3D graphics in Flash

Flash Professional allows you to create 3D effects by moving and rotating movie clips in 3D space on the Stage. Flash Professional represents 3D
space by including a z axis in the properties of each movie clip instance. You add 3D perspective effects to movie clip instances by moving them
along their x axis or rotating them around their x or y axis using the 3D Translation and 3D Rotation tools. In 3D terminology, moving an object in
3D space is called a translation and rotating an object in 3D space is called a transformation. Once you have applied either of these effects to a
movie clip, Flash Professional considers it a 3D movie clip and a colored axes indicator appears overlaid onto the movie clip whenever it is

To make an object appear nearer or further away from the viewer, move it along its z axis with the 3D Translation tool or the Property inspector. To
give the impression of an object that is at an angle to the viewer, rotate the movie clip around its z axis with the 3D Rotation tool. By using these
tools in combination, you can create realistic perspective effects.

Both the 3D Translation and the 3D Rotation tools allow you to manipulate objects in global or local 3D space. Global 3D space is the Stage
space. Global transforms and translations are relative to the Stage. Local 3D space is the movie clip space. Local transforms and translations are
relative to the movie clip space. For example, if you have a movie clip containing several nested movie clips, local 3D transforms of the nested
movie clips are relative to the drawing area inside the container movie clip. The default mode of the 3D Translation and Rotation tools is global.
To use them in local mode, click the Global toggle button in the Options section of the Tools panel.

The Stage with a movie clip rotated in global 3D space.