Working with multiple timelines, About multiple timelines and levels – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
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Working with multiple timelines
About multiple timelines and levels
About nested movie clips and parent-child hierarchy
About multiple timelines and levels
Flash® Player has a stacking order of levels. Every Flash Professional document has a main Timeline located at level 0 in Flash Player. You can
use the loadMovie command to load other Flash Professional documents (SWF files) into Flash Player at different levels.
If you load documents into levels above level 0, the documents stack on top of one another like drawings on transparent paper; when there is no
content on the Stage, you can see through to the content on lower levels. If you load a document into level 0, it replaces the main timeline. Each
document loaded into a level of Flash Player has its own timeline.
Timelines can send messages to each other with ActionScript. For example, an action on the last frame of one movie clip can tell another movie
clip to play. To use ActionScript to control a timeline, you must use a target path to specify the location of the timeline.
For more information, see the MovieClip.loadMovie method in the
About nested movie clips and parent-child hierarchy
When you create a movie clip instance in a Flash Professional document, the movie clip has its own timeline. Every movie clip symbol has its own
timeline. The movie clip’s timeline is nested inside the main timeline of the document. You can also nest a movie clip instance inside another
movie clip symbol.
When a movie clip is created inside a Flash Professional document, or nested inside another movie clip, it becomes a child of that document or
movie clip, which becomes the parent. Relationships between nested movie clips are hierarchical: modifications made to the parent affect the
child. The root Timeline for each level is the parent of all the movie clips on its level, and because it is the top-most Timeline, it has no parent. In
the Movie Explorer panel, you can view the hierarchy of nested movie clips in a document by choosing Show Symbol Definitions from the panel
To understand movie clip hierarchy, consider the hierarchy on a computer: the hard disk has a root directory (or folder) and subdirectories. The
root directory is analogous to the main (or root) Timeline of a Flash Professional document: it is the parent of everything else. The subdirectories
are analogous to movie clips.
You can use the movie clip hierarchy in Flash Professional to organize related objects. For example, you could create a Flash Professional
document containing a car that moves across the Stage. You can use a movie clip symbol to represent the car and set up a motion tween to move
it across the Stage.
To add wheels that rotate, you can create a movie clip for a car wheel, and create two instances of this movie clip, named frontWheel and
backWheel. Then you can place the wheels on the car movie clip’s Timeline—not on the main Timeline. As children of car, frontWheel and
backWheel are affected by any changes made to car; they move with the car as it tweens across the Stage.
To make both wheel instances spin, you can set up a motion tween that rotates the wheel symbol. Even after you change frontWheel and
backWheel, they continue to be affected by the tween on their parent movie clip, car; the wheels spin, but they also move with the parent movie
clip car across the Stage.
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