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Overlay Blendmode is not supported; is modified to Normal.

Dotted Line is not supported; is modified to Solid.

For a full list of features that are not supported and their fallback values during migration, see this article.

Converting ActionScript 3 to HTML5 Canvas document using JSFL script

Flash Professional CC provides a JSFL script to convert an AS3 document to HTML5 Canvas document. When run, the JSFL script does the

Creates a new HTML5 Canvas document.

Copies all layers, symbols, and library items to the new HTML5 Canvas document.

Applies defaults to unsupported features, sub-features, or feature-properties.

Creates separate FLA files for each scene, because HTML5 Canvas document does not support multiple scenes.

To convert an AS3 document to HTML5 Canvas document, do the following:

1. Open the ActionScript 3 document in Flash Professional CC.

2. Select Commands > Convert AS3 to HTML5 Canvas document.

Ensure that you read through Warnings in the Output panel. These warnings give you information about changes that were applied to

content during the conversion.