Working with fireworks files in flash, About imported fireworks png files – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
Page 415

Working with Fireworks files in Flash
About imported Fireworks PNG files
About imported filters and blends from Fireworks PNG files
Importing text from Fireworks into Flash
About imported Fireworks PNG files
You can import Adobe® Fireworks PNG files into Flash Professional as flattened images or as editable objects. When you import a PNG file as a
flattened image, the entire file (including any vector artwork) is rasterized, or converted to a bitmap image. When you import a PNG file as editable
objects, vector artwork in the file is preserved in vector format. Choose to preserve placed bitmaps, text, filters (called effects in Fireworks), and
guides in the PNG file when you import it as editable objects.
About imported filters and blends from Fireworks PNG files
When you import Fireworks® PNG files, you can retain many of the filters and blending modes applied to objects in Fireworks and continue to
modify those filters and blends using Flash Professional.
Flash Professional only supports modifiable filters and blends for objects imported as text and movie clips. If an effect or blend mode is not
supported, Flash Professional rasterizes or ignores it when it is imported. To import a Fireworks PNG file that contains filters or blends that Flash
Professional does not support, rasterize the file during the import process. After this operation, you cannot edit the file.
Fireworks effects supported in Flash
Flash Professional imports the following Fireworks effects as modifiable filters:
Fireworks effect
Flash Professional filter
Drop shadow
Drop shadow
Solid shadow
Drop shadow
Inner shadow
Drop shadow (with Inner shadow automatically selected)
Blur (where blurX = blurY=1)
Blur more
Blur (where blurX = blurY=1)
Gaussian blur
Adjust color brightness
Adjust color
Adjust color contrast
Adjust color
Fireworks blend modes supported in Flash
Flash Professional imports the following Fireworks blend modes as modifiable blends:
Fireworks blending mode
Flash Professional blending mode