Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 891

background image

Device Font (Windows only) Substitutes anti-aliased (smooth-edged) system fonts for fonts not installed on the user’s system. Using device
fonts increases the legibility of type at small sizes and can decrease the SWF file’s size. This option affects only SWF files that contain static
text (text that you create when authoring a SWF file and that does not change when the content appears) set to display with device fonts.

7. To determine the trade-off between processing time and appearance, as described in the following list, select Quality options. These options

set the QUALITY parameter’s value in the object and embed tags.
Low Favors playback speed over appearance and does not use anti-aliasing.

Auto Low Emphasizes speed at first but improves appearance whenever possible. Playback begins with anti-aliasing turned off. If Flash
Player detects that the processor can handle it, anti-aliasing is automatically turned on.

Auto High Emphasizes playback speed and appearance equally at first but sacrifices appearance for playback speed if necessary. Playback
begins with anti-aliasing turned on. If the actual frame rate drops below the specified frame rate, anti-aliasing is turned off to improve
playback speed. To emulate the View > Antialias setting, use this setting.

Medium Applies some anti-aliasing but does not smooth bitmaps. Medium produces a better quality than the Low setting but lower quality
than the High setting.

High (Default) Favors appearance over playback speed and always uses anti-aliasing. If the SWF file does not contain animation, bitmaps
are smoothed; if the SWF file contains animation, bitmaps are not smoothed.

Best Provides the best display quality and does not consider playback speed. All output is anti-aliased and bitmaps are always smoothed.

8. Select a Window Mode option, which controls the HTML wmode attribute in the object and embed tags. The window mode modifies the

relationship of the content bounding box or virtual window with content in the HTML page as described in the following list:
Window (Default) Does not embed any window-related attributes in the object and embed tags. The background of the content is opaque
and uses the HTML background color. The HTML code cannot render above or below the Flash Professional content.

Opaque Windowless Sets the background of the Flash Professional content to opaque, obscuring anything under the content. Lets HTML
content appear above or on top of content.

Transparent Windowless Sets the background of the Flash Professional content to transparent, allowing the HTML content to appear
above and below the content. For browsers that support windowless modes, see Parameters and attributes for object and embed tags.

If you turn on Hardware Acceleration in the Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box, the Window Mode you select is ignored and
defaults to Window.

For a demonstration of setting the Window Mode, see the TechNote titled

How to make a Flash movie with a transparent background


Note: In some instances, complex rendering in Transparent Windowless mode can result in slower animation when the HTML images are
also complex.

9. To position the SWF file window in the browser window, select one of the following HTML Alignment options:

Default Centers the content in the browser window and crops edges if the browser window is smaller than the application.

Left, Right, or Top Align SWF files along the corresponding edge of the browser window and crop the remaining three sides as needed.

10. To place the content within specified boundaries if you’ve changed the document’s original width and height, select a Scale option. The

Scale option sets the SCALE parameter in the object and embed tags.
Default (Show All) Shows the entire document in the specified area without distortion while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the SWF
files. Borders can appear on two sides of the application.

No Border Scales the document to fill the specified area and keeps the SWF file’s original aspect ratio without distortion, cropping the SWF
file if needed.

Exact Fit Shows the entire document in the specified area without preserving the original aspect ratio, which can cause distortion.

No Scale Prevents the document from scaling when the Flash Player window is resized.

11. To set how the content is placed within the application window and how it is cropped, select the Flash Alignment option. This option sets the

SALIGN parameter of the object and embed tags.

12. To show error messages if tag settings conflict—for example, if a template has code referring to an alternative image that was not specified

—select Show Warning Messages.

13. To save the settings with the current file, click OK.

Parameters and attributes for object and embed tags

The following tag attributes and parameters describe the HTML code that the Publish command creates. Refer to this list as you write custom
HTML to show Flash Professional content. Unless noted, all items apply to both the object and embed tags. Optional entries are noted. Internet
Explorer recognizes parameters used with the object tag; Netscape recognizes the embed tag. Attributes are used with both the object and embed
tags. When you customize a template, you can substitute a template variable (identified in the Value section for each parameter in the following
list) for the value.

Note: The attributes and parameters listed in this section are shown in lowercase to comply with the XHTML standard.
devicefont attribute/parameter (Optional) Specifies whether static text objects are rendered in device fonts, even if the Device Font option is not
selected. This attribute applies when the necessary fonts are available from the operating system.