Copy and paste steps between documents, Replay steps with the history panel – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
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Replay steps with the History panel
When you replay steps with the History panel, the steps that play are the steps that are selected (highlighted) in the History panel, not necessarily
the step currently indicated by the slider.
Apply steps in the History panel to any selected object in the document.
Replay one step
In the History panel, select a step and click the Replay button.
Replay a series of adjacent steps
1. Select steps in the History panel by doing one of the following:
Drag from one step to another. (Don’t drag the slider; drag from the text label of one step to the text label of another step.)
Select the first step, then Shift-click the last step; or select the last step and Shift-click the first step.
2. Click Replay. The steps replay in order, and a new step, labeled Replay Steps, appears in the History panel.
Replay nonadjacent steps
1. Select a step in the History panel, and Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) other steps. To deselect a selected step,
Control-click or Command-click.
2. Click Replay.
Copy and paste steps between documents
Each open document has its own history of steps. To copy steps from one document and paste them into another, use the Copy Steps command
in the History panel options menu. If you copy steps into a text editor, the steps are pasted as JavaScript™ code.
1. In the document containing the steps to reuse, select the steps in the History panel.
2. In the History panel options menu, select Copy Steps.
3. Open the document to paste the steps into.
4. Select an object to apply the steps to.
5. Select Edit > Paste to paste the steps. The steps play back as they’re pasted into the document’s History panel. The History panel shows
them as only one step, called Paste Steps.
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