Adjusting the perspective angle – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
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button or press the D key to toggle the mode between global and local.
2. Select multiple movie clips on the Stage.
The 3D Rotation controls appear overlaid on the most recently selected object.
3. Place the pointer over one of the four rotation axis controls.
The pointer changes when over one of the four controls.
4. Drag one of the axis controls to rotate around that axis, or the free rotate control (outer orange circle) to rotate X and Y simultaneously.
Drag the x-axis control left or right to rotate around the x axis. Drag the y-axis control up or down to rotate around the y axis. Drag the z-axis
control in a circular motion to rotate around the z axis.
All of the selected movie clips rotate around the 3D center point which appears at the center of the rotation controls.
5. To relocate the 3D rotation control center point, do one of the following:
To move the center point to an arbitrary location, drag the center point.
To move the center point to the center of one of the selected movie clips, Shift-double-click the movie clip.
To move the center point to the center of the group of selected movie clips, double-click the center point.
Changing the location of the 3D rotation center point lets you control the effect of the rotation on the objects.
The location of the rotation control center point for the selected object appears in the Transform panel as the 3D Center Point. You can
modify the location of the center point in the Transform panel.
Rotate a selection with the Transform panel
1. Open the Transform panel (Window > Transform).
2. Select one or more movie clips on the Stage.
3. In the Transform panel, enter the desired values in the 3D Rotation X, Y, and Z fields to rotate the selection. These fields contain hot text, so
you can drag the values to change them.
Note: The 3D rotation takes place in global or local 3D space, depending on the current mode of the 3D Rotation tool in the Tools panel.
4. To move the 3D rotation point, enter the desired values in the 3D Center Point X, Y, and Z fields.
Adjusting the Perspective Angle
The Perspective Angle property of a FLA file controls the apparent angle of view of 3D movie clips on the Stage.
Increasing or decreasing the Perspective Angle affects the apparent size of 3D movie clips and their location relative to the edges of the Stage. By
increasing the Perspective Angle, you make 3D objects appear closer to the viewer. By decreasing the Perspective Angle property, you make 3D
objects appear further away. The effect is like zooming in or out with a camera lens which changes the angle of view through the lens.
The Stage with a Perspective Angle of 55.