Working with character styles – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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The following are recommendations for handling the TLF library for different deployment scenarios

Web-based SWF file: use the default behavior of allowing Flash Player to download the RSL if necessary.

AIR-based SWF file: Compile the RSL into the SWF file. This way text functionality of the AIR application will not be compromised while

iPhone-based SWF: It is not recommended that you use TLF on the iPhone for performance reasons. If you do, compile the TLF code into
the SWF because the iPhone cannot load RSLs.

Note: For more information about how the Flash Player cache works, see

Improving Flex application performance using the Flash Player


.The article focuses on Flash Builder, but all of the information about the Flash Player cache applies to Flash Professional as well.

When the TLF ActionScript assets are not embedded or available on the local playback computer, there can be a slight delay in SWF playback
while Flash Player downloads the assets. You can choose the type of preloader SWF that Flash Player displays while the assets are downloaded.
You choose the preloader by setting the Preloader Method in the ActionScript 3.0 settings.

To set the Preloader Method:

1. Choose File > Publish Settings.

2. In the Flash tab, click the ActionScript 3.0 Settings button.

3. In the Advanced ActionScript 3.0 Settings dialog box, select a method from the Preloader Method menu. The available methods are:

Preloader SWF: this is the default. Flash embeds a small preloader SWF file inside your published SWF file. This preloader displays a
progress bar while the assets load.

Custom Preloader Loop: use this setting is you want to use a preloader SWF of your own.

The Preloader Method setting is only available if the Default Linkage is set to Runtime Shared Library (RSL).

Tutorials and Videos


Using a Custom Preloader Loop With TLF Text

- Jeff Kamerer, Adobe


Loading child SWFs with TLF content generates reference errors


How Do I Correct This Runtime Library Error?

Reducing SWF file size with TLF text (CS5.5 only)

Most TLF text requires that a specific ActionScript library be compiled into your SWF file. This library adds about 20k to the file size.

If you need to keep the file size as small as possible, you can prevent the ActionScript library from being included by limiting your use of TLF text
in the following ways:

Use only Selectable or Read Only TLF text types.

Do not give any TLF text instances an instance name in the Properties panel. This means that the text cannot be manipluated with

Even with these limitations, you can still take advantage of the text layout capabilities of TLF text.

Working with character styles

Character styles are attributes that apply to a single character or a set of characters, rather than to whole paragraphs or text containers. To set
character styles, you work with the Character and Advanced Character sections of the Text Property inspector.

The Character section of the Property inspector includes the following text properties:

Family The name of the font. (Note TLF text only supports OpenType and TrueType fonts.)

Style Regular, Bold, or Italic. Faux italic and faux bold styles are not available to TLF text objects. Some fonts may also include additional styles,
such as Black, BoldItalic, etc.

Size The size of the characters in pixels.

Leading The vertical space between lines of text. By default, Leading is expressed as a percentage but can also be expressed in points.

Color The color of the text.

Tracking The amount of space between the selected characters.

Highlight The highlight color.

Kerning Kerning: Adds or subtracts space between specific pairs of characters. TLF text automatically kerns characters using the kerning
information built in to most fonts.

When Asian text options are disabled, the Auto-kerning check box appears. When Auto-kerning is on, kerning information in the font is used.
When Auto-kerning is off, kerning information in the font is ignored and no kerning is applied.

When Asian text options are enabled, Kerning can have these values:

Auto: Uses the kerning information built in to the font for Latin characters. For Asian characters, applies kerning only to those characters that