The flvplayback component – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
Page 372

Pause Video
Pauses the video.
Instance name of target video
Rewind Video
Rewinds the video by the specified
number of frames.
Instance name of target video
Number of frames
Fast Forward Video
Fast-forwards the video by the specified
number of frames.
Instance name of target video
Number of frames
Hide Video
Hides the video.
Instance name of target video
Show Video
Shows the video.
Instance name of target video
Control video playback using behaviors
1. Select the movie clip to trigger the behavior.
2. In the Behaviors panel (Window > Behaviors), click the Add (+) button, and select the desired behavior from the Embedded Video submenu.
3. Select the video to control.
4. Select a Relative or Absolute path.
5. If required, select settings for the behavior parameters and click OK.
6. In the Behaviors panel under Event, click On Release (the default event) and select a mouse event. To use the On Release event, leave the
option unchanged.
The FLVPlayback component
The FLVPlayback component lets you include a video player in your Flash application to play progressively downloaded video (FLV or F4V) files
over HTTP, or play streaming FLV files from Flash Media Server (FMS) or a Flash Video Streaming Service (FVSS).
The FLVPlayback component does the following:
Provides a set of prefabricated skins to customize playback controls and the look and feel of the user interface.
Lets advanced users create their own custom skins.
Provides cue points to synchronize your video with the animation, text, and graphics in your Flash Professional application.
Provides live preview of customizations.
Maintains a reasonably sized SWF file for easy download.
The FLVPlayback component is the display area in which you view video. The FLVPlayback component includes the FLV Custom UI
controls, a set of control buttons that play, stop, pause, and control playback the video.
Configure the FLVPlayback component
1. With the FLVPlayback component selected on the stage, open the Property inspector (Window > Properties) and enter an instance name.
2. Select Parameters in the Property inspector or open the Component inspector (Window > Components).
3. Enter values for parameters or use default settings.
For each FLVPlayback component instance you can set the following parameters in the Property inspector or in the Component inspector:
Note: In most instances, it is not necessary to alter the settings in the FLVPlayback component unless you want to change the appearance
of a video skin. The Video Import wizard sufficiently configures the parameters for most deployments.
autoPlay Boolean value that determines how to play the FLV or F4V. If true, the video plays immediately when it is loaded. If false, loads
the first frame and pauses. The default value is true.
autoRewind Boolean value that determines whether the video is automatically rewound. If true, the FLVPlayback component automatically
rewinds the video to the beginning when the playhead reaches the end or when the user clicks the stop button. If false, the component does
not automatically rewind the video. The default value is true.
autoSize Boolean value that, if true, resizes the component at runtime to use the source video dimensions. The default value is false.
Note: The encoded frame size of the video is not the same as the default dimensions of the FLVPlayback component.
bufferTime Number of seconds to buffer before beginning playback. The default value is 0.
contentPath (AS2 files) String that specifies the URL to an FLV, F4V, or to an XML file that describes how to play the video. Double-click
the Value cell for this parameter to activate the Content Path dialog box. The default is an empty string. If you do not specify a value for the
contentPath parameter, nothing happens when Flash Professional executes the FLVPlayback instance.
source (AS3 files) String that specifies the URL to an FLV, F4V, or to an XML file that describes how to play the video. Double-click the
Value cell for this parameter to activate the Content Path dialog box. The default is an empty string. If you do not specify a value for the