Transforming and combining graphic objects – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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Transforming and combining graphic objects

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Transforming objects
Combining objects

Transforming objects

You can transform graphic objects, as well as groups, text blocks, and instances, by using the Free Transform tool or the options in the Modify >
Transform menu. Depending on the type of element you select, you can transform, rotate, skew, scale, or distort the element. You can change or
add to a selection during a transformation operation.

When you transform an object, group, text box, or instance, the Property inspector for that item displays any changes made to the item’s
dimensions or position.

A bounding box appears during transform operations that involve dragging. The bounding box is rectangular (unless it was modified with the
Distort command or the Envelope modifier), with its edges initially aligned parallel to the edges of the Stage. Transformation handles are located
on each corner and in the middle of each side. As you drag, the bounding box previews the transformations.

Move, realign, change, and track the transformation point

During a transformation, a transformation point appears at the center of a selected element. The transformation point is initially aligned with the
object’s center point. You can move the transformation point, return it to its default location, and move the default point of origin.

For scaling, skewing, or rotating graphic objects, groups, and text blocks, the point opposite the point you drag is the point of origin by default. For
instances, the transformation point is the point of origin by default. You can move the default point of origin for a transformation.

1. Select the Free Transform tool

, or select one of the Modify > Transform commands.

Once you have begun a transformation, you can track the location of the transformation point in the Info panel and in the Property inspector.

2. Do one of the following:

To move the transformation point, drag it from within the selected graphic object.

To realign the transformation point with the element’s center point, double-click the transformation point.

To switch the point of origin for a scale or skew transformation, hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Macintosh) while
dragging your chosen object control point during the transformation.

In the Info panel, you can toggle to display Registration and Transformation points. The button appears as

to indicate that the

registration point coordinates are being displayed. On clicking the same button, it changes to

, indicating that the Transformation

coorindates are being displayed.

Coordinate grid; Info panel with Registration/Transformation Point button in transformation mode, and with x and y coordinates of the
selection transformation point visible.

Use the Free Transform tool

You can perform individual transformations or combine several transformations, such as moving, rotating, scaling, skewing, and distortion.
Note: The Free Transform tool cannot transform symbols, bitmaps, video objects, sounds, gradients, or text. If a multiple selection contains any
of these items, only the shape objects are distorted. To transform a text block, first convert the characters to shape objects.

1. Select a graphic object, group, instance, or text block on the Stage.

2. Click the Free Transform tool


Moving the pointer over and around the selection changes the pointer to indicate which transformation function is available.