Move objects in 3d space – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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The Stage with a movie clip containing a nested movie clip rotated in local 3D space.

By using the 3D properties of movie clip instances in your FLA file, you can create a variety of graphic effects without duplicating movie clips in the
library. However, when you edit a movie clip from the library, 3D transforms and translations that have been applied are not visible. When editing
the contents of a movie clip, only 3D transforms of nested movie clips are visible.

Note: Once a 3D transform is added to a movie clip instance, its parent movie clip symbol cannot be edited in Edit in Place mode.

If you have 3D objects on the Stage, you can add certain 3D effects to all of those objects as a group by adjusting the Perspective Angle and
Vanishing Point properties of your FLA file. The Perspective Angle property has the effect of zooming the view of the Stage. The Vanishing Point
property has the effect of panning the 3D objects on the Stage. These settings only affect the appearance of movie clips that have a 3D transform
or translation applied to them.

In the Flash Professional authoring tool, you can control only one viewpoint, or camera. The camera view of your FLA file is the same as the
Stage view. Each FLA file has only one perspective Angle and Vanishing Point setting.

To use the 3D capabilities of Flash Professional, the publish settings of your FLA file must be set to Flash Player 10 and ActionScript 3.0. Only
movie clip instances can be rotated or translated along the z axis. Some 3D capabilities are available through ActionScript that are not available
directly in the Flash Professional user interface, such as multiple Vanishing Points and separate cameras for each movie clip. Using ActionScript
3.0, you can apply 3D properties to objects such as text, FLV Playback components, and buttons, in addition to movie clips.

Note: The 3D tools cannot be used on objects on mask layers and layers containing 3D objects cannot be used as mask layers. For more
information about mask layers, see Using mask layers.

Additional resources

The following resources provide additional detailed information about working with 3D graphics in Flash Professional:

Video tutorials:

Working with 3D art (5:02)


Flash Downunder – 3D rotation and 3D translation (25:50)


Layers TV – Episode 74: 3D tools and sound (23:09)



Mariko Ogawa has written a detailed article titled

Exploring the new 3D features in Flash Professional

in the Adobe Flash Developer Center.

The article describes using the 3D tools, animating 3D properties, and working with 3D in ActionScript 3.0.

Move objects in 3D space

You move movie clip instances in 3D space with the 3D Translation tool

. When you select a movie clip with the tool, its three axes, X, Y, and Z,

appear on the Stage on top of the object. The x axis is red, the y axis is green, and the z axis is blue.

The default mode of the 3D Translation tool is global. Moving an object in global 3D space is the same as moving it relative to the Stage. Moving
an object in local 3D space is the same as moving it relative to its parent movie clip if it has one. To toggle the 3D Translation tool between global
and local modes, click the Global toggle button in the Options section of the Tools panel while the 3D Translation tool is selected. You can
temporarily toggle the mode from global to local by pressing the D key while dragging with the 3D Translation tool.

The 3D Translation and Rotation tools occupy the same space in the Tools panel. Click and hold the active 3D tool icon in the Tools panel to