Remove a sound from the timeline, Add a sound to a button, Synchronize a sound with animation – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
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Start The same as Event, except that if the sound is already playing, no new instance of the sound plays.
Stop Silences the specified sound.
Stream Synchronizes the sound for playing on a website. Flash Professional forces animation to keep pace with stream sounds. If Flash
Professional can’t draw animation frames quickly enough, it skips frames. Unlike event sounds, stream sounds stop if the SWF file stops
playing. Also, a stream sound can never play longer than the length of the frames it occupies. Stream sounds are mixed when you publish
your SWF file.
An example of a stream sound is the voice of a character in an animation that plays in multiple frames.
Note: If you use an mp3 sound as a stream sound, you must recompress the sound for export. You can export the sound as an mp3 file,
with the same compression settings that it had on import.
These choices are explained and demonstrated in this
9. Enter a value for Repeat to specify the number of times the sound should loop, or select Loop to repeat the sound continuously.
For continuous play, enter a number large enough to play the sound for an extended duration. For example, to loop a 15-second sound for
15 minutes, enter 60. Looping stream sounds is not recommended. If a stream sound is set to loop, frames are added to the file and the file
size is increased by the number of times the sound is looped.
10. To test the sound, drag the playhead over the frames containing the sound or use commands in the Controller or the Control menu.
Remove a sound from the Timeline
1. In the Timeline layer containing the sound, select a frame that also contains the sound.
2. In the Property inspector, go to the Sound section and select None from the Name menu.
Flash deletes the sound from the Timeline layer.
Add a sound to a button
You can associate sounds with the different states of a button symbol. Because the sounds are stored with the symbol, they work for all instances
of the symbol.
1. Select the button in the Library panel.
2. Select Edit from the Panel menu in the upper-right corner of the panel.
3. In the button’s Timeline, add a layer for sound (Insert > Timeline > Layer).
4. In the sound layer, create a regular or blank keyframe to correspond with the button state to which you want to add a sound (Insert >
Timeline > Keyframe or Insert > Timeline > Blank Keyframe).
For example, to add a sound that plays when you click the button, create a keyframe in the frame labeled Down.
5. Click the keyframe you created.
6. Select Window > Properties.
7. In the Property inspector, select a sound file from the Sound pop-up menu.
8. Select Event from the Sync pop-up menu.
To associate a different sound with each of the button’s keyframes, create a blank keyframe and add another sound file for each keyframe.
You can also use the same sound file and apply a different sound effect for each button keyframe.
Synchronize a sound with animation
To synchronize a sound with animation, you start and stop the sound at keyframes.
1. Add a sound to the Timeline in its own layer (see above for instructions).
2. To synchronize this sound with an event in the scene, create a beginning keyframe for the sound that corresponds to the keyframe of the
event in the scene that you want to trigger the sound. You can select any of the synchronization options described above (see Add a sound
to the Timeline).
3. Create a keyframe in the sound layer’s Timeline at the frame where you want the sound to end. A representation of the sound file appears in
the Timeline.
4. Select Window > Properties, and click the arrow in the lower-right corner to expand the Property inspector.
5. In the Property inspector, select the same sound from the Sound pop-up menu.
6. Still in the Property inspector, select Stop from the Sync pop-up menu.
When you play the SWF file, the sound stops playing when it reaches the ending keyframe.
7. To play back the sound, drag the playhead in the Timeline.