Add bones to shapes – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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different layers before you add bones. Flash adds them to the pose layer.

Note: You can also break text apart (Modify > Break Apart) into separate shapes and use bones with the individual shapes.

As you chain objects, consider the parent-child relationships you want to create, for example, from shoulder to elbow to wrist.

1. Create symbol instances on the Stage. To save time later, arrange the instances so that they approximate spatial configuration you want.

2. Select the Bone tool

from the Tools panel.

3. Click the symbol instance that you want to set as the root bone of the armature. Click at the point where you want to attach the bone to the


By default, Flash creates the bone at the location of mouse click. For a more precise way of adding a bone, turn off Auto Set Transformation
Point in the Drawing Preferences (Edit > Preferences). With Auto Set Transformation Point turned off, the bone will snap to the symbol
transformation point when you click from one symbol to the next.

4. Drag to another symbol instance and release the mouse button at the point where you want to attach it.

5. To add another bone to the armature, drag from the tail of the first bone to the next symbol instance.

It’s easier to place the tail precisely if you turn off Snap To Objects (View > Snapping > Snap To Objects).

6. To create a branched armature, click the head of an existing bone where you want the branch to begin. Then drag to create the first bone of

the new branch.

An armature can have as many branches as necessary.

Note: A branch cannot connect to another branch except at its root.

7. To reposition the elements of the completed armature, drag either the bones or the instances themselves.

Dragging a bone moves its associated instance without allowing it to rotate relative to its bone.

Dragging an instance allows it to move as well as rotate relative to its bone.

Dragging an instance in the middle of a branch causes the parent bones to articulate with joint rotation. The child bones move with no
joint rotation.

After you create an armature, you can still add new instances from different layers to the armature. Drag a new bone to the new instance and
Flash moves the instance to the pose layer of the armature.

Videos and tutorials:


Flash Professional CS5.5 - IK Support (5:45)

(Adobe TV)


Spring for Bones

(Length: 4:29, Includes: Add bones, contrain joint motion, add poses, animate with spring properties. Adobe TV)

Add bones to shapes

You add bones to a single shape or to a group of shapes that are on the same layer. In either case, you must select all the shapes before adding
the first bone. After you add bones, Flash converts all the shapes and bones into an IK shape object and moves the object to a new pose layer.

After you have added bones to a shape, the shape has the following limitations:

You cannot merge an IK shape with other shapes outside it.

You cannot rotate, scale, or skew the shape with the Free Transform tool.

Editing the control points of the shape is not recommended.

1. Create a filled shape or shapes on the Stage.

The shape can contain multiple colors and strokes. Edit the shapes so they are as close to their final form as possible. Once you add bones
to a shape, the options for editing the shape become more limited.

If the shape is too complex, Flash will prompt you to convert it to a movie clip before adding bones.

2. Select the entire shape on the Stage.

If the shape contains multiple color areas or strokes, drag a selection rectangle around the shape to ensure that the entire shape is

3. Select the Bone tool

in the Tools panel.

4. With the Bone tool, click inside the shape and drag to another location within the shape.

5. To add another bone, drag from the tail of the first bone to another location in within the shape.

The second bone becomes a child of the root bone. Link areas of the shape with bones in the order of the parent-child relationships you
want to create. For example, link from shoulder to elbow to wrist.

6. To create a branched armature, click the head of an existing bone where you want the branch to begin. Then drag to create the first bone of

the new branch.