Sharing library assets at author-time – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual
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2. Do one of the following:
Select a movie clip, button, graphic symbol, bitmap, or sound in the Library panel, and select Properties from the Library Panel menu.
Click Advanced.
Select a font symbol, and select Linkage from the Library Panel menu.
3. For Linkage, select Import For Runtime Sharing to link to the asset in the source document.
4. Enter an identifier for the symbol, bitmap, or sound that is identical to the identifier used for the symbol in the source document. Do not
include spaces.
5. Enter the URL where the SWF source file containing the shared asset is posted, and click OK.
Link a shared asset to a destination document by dragging
1. In the destination document, do one of the following:
Select File > Open.
Select File > Import > Open External Library.
2. Select the source document and click Open.
3. Drag the shared asset from the source document Library panel into the Library panel or onto the Stage in the destination document.
Turn off sharing for a symbol in a destination document
1. In the destination document, select the linked symbol in the Library panel and do one of the following:
If the asset is a movie clip, button, or graphic symbol, select Properties from the Library Panel menu.
If the asset is a font symbol, select Linkage from the Library Panel menu.
2. Deselect Import For Runtime Sharing, and click OK.
Sharing library assets at author-time
Sharing assets at author-time has these advantages:
Allows you to avoid the need for redundant copies of assets used in more than one FLA file. For example, if you are developing a FLA for
web browsers, another for iOS and another for Android, you can share assets among the 3 files.
When you edit a shared asset in one FLA file, the changes are reflected in other FLA files that use the asset when they are opened or
brought into focus.
There are 2 ways of sharing library assets during authoring:
Using symbols from external FLA files by linking to them from symbols in another FLA file.
(CS5.5 only) Sharing symbols among FLA files that are part of the same Flash project in the Project panel. For information about using the
Project panel, see (Deprecated with Flash Professional CC) Working with Flash projects.
Sharing by linking to symbols in separate FLA files works like this:
For shared assets during authoring, update or replace any symbol in a FLA file you are authoring with any symbol in any other FLA file
available on your local network.
Update the symbol in the destination document as you author the document.
The symbol in the destination document retains its original name and properties, but its contents are updated or replaced with those of the
symbol you select.
Sharing symbols using the Project panel works like this (CS5.5 only):
You create a project in the Project panel and create a FLA file in the project.
In that FLA file, you specify which symbols you want to share with other files by checking the sharing checkbox for each item in the Library
Create a second FLA file in the project.
Copy and paste layers, frames, or items on the Stage from the first FLA file to the second.
Flash moves the shared library items in the pasted elements to a separate file called AuthortimeSharedAssets.FLA within the project folder.
The following assets types are sharable within a project:
Asset type
Sharable on its own?
Sharable if inside a movie clip?
Movie clip symbol