Apply the grid fill effect, Apply the vine fill effect, Apply the particle system effect – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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Apply the Grid Fill effect

The Grid Fill effect lets you fill the Stage, a symbol, or closed region with a symbol from the library. After the Grid Fill is drawn to the Stage, if the
filled symbol is moved or resized, the Grid Fill will move or resize accordingly.

Use the Grid Fill effect to create a checkerboard, a tiled background, or area or shape with a custom pattern. The default symbol for the Symmetry
effect is a black rectangle shape with no stroke that is 25 x 25 pixels.

1. Select the Deco Drawing tool, and select Grid Fill from the Drawing Effect menu in the Property inspector.

2. In the Property inspector, select a fill color for the default rectangle shape. Or click Edit to select a custom symbol from the library.

You can use up to 4 movie clip or graphic symbols in the library with the Grid Fill effect. The symbols alternate as Flash fills the grid.

3. Choose a Layout for the grid fill. There are 3 options for Layout.

Tile Pattern The symbols are arranged in a simple grid pattern.

Brick Pattern The symbols are arranged in a horizontally offset grid pattern.

Floor Pattern The symbols are arranged in a horizontally and vertically offset grid pattern.

4. To allow the fill to overlap the edge of the containing symbol, shape, or the Stage, select the Paint Over Edge option.

5. To allow the symbols to be distributed randomly within the grid, select the Random Order option.

6. You can specify the horizontal and vertical spacing and the scale of the fill shape. Once the Grid Fill effect is applied, you cannot change the

advanced options in the Property inspector afterwards to alter the fill pattern.
Horizontal spacing Specifies the horizontal distance in pixels between symbols used in the Grid Fill.

Vertical spacing Specifies the vertical distance in pixels between symbols used in the Grid Fill.

Pattern scale Enlarges or shrinks the symbols horizontally (along the x axis), and vertically (along the y axis).

7. Click the Stage or within the shape or symbol where you want the Grid Fill pattern to appear.

Apply the Vine Fill effect

The Vine Fill effect lets you fill the Stage, a symbol, or closed region with a vine pattern. You can substitute your own artwork for the leaves and
flowers by selecting symbols from the library. The resulting pattern is contained in a movie clip that itself contains the symbols that make up the

1. Select the Deco Drawing tool, and select Vine Fill from the Drawing Effect menu in the Property inspector.

2. In the Deco Drawing tool Property inspector, select a fill color for the default flower and leaf shapes. Or, click Edit to select a custom symbol

from the library to replace one or both of the default flower and leaf symbols.

You can use any movie clip or graphic symbol in the library to replace the default flower and leaf symbols with the Vine Fill effect.

3. You can specify the horizontal and vertical spacing and the scale of the fill shape. After you apply the Vine Fill effect, you cannot change the

advanced options in the Property inspector afterward to alter the fill pattern.
Branch angle Specifies the angle of the branch pattern.

Branch color Specifies the color to use for the branch.

Pattern scale Scaling an object enlarges or reduces it both horizontally (along the x axis), and vertically (along the y axis).

Segment length Specifies the length of the segments between leaf and flower nodes.

Animate pattern Specifies that each iteration of the effect is drawn to a new frame in the timeline. This option creates a frame-by-frame
animated sequence of the flower pattern as it's drawn.

Frame step Specifies how many frames to span per second of the effect being drawn.

4. Click the Stage or within the shape or symbol where you want the Grid Fill pattern to appear.

Apply the Particle System effect

Using the Particle System effect, you can create particle animations such as fire, smoke, water, bubbles, and other effects.

To use the particle system effect:

1. Select the Deco tool in the Tools panel.

2. Set the properties for the effect in the Properties panel.

3. Click the Stage in the location where you want to the effect to appear.

Flash creates a frame-by-frame animation of the particle effect according to the properties you set. The particles generated on Stage are
contained in a group in each frame of the animation.

The Particle System effect has the following properties: