Creating multilanguage text – Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

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Text encoding in Flash Player

By default, Flash Player 7 and later assumes that all text it encounters is Unicode encoded. If your document loads external text or XML files, the
text in these files should be UTF-8 encoded. Create these files by using the Strings panel or using a text or HTML editor that can save the files in
Unicode format.

Unicode encoding formats that Flash Player supports

When reading text data in Flash Professional, Flash Player looks at the first two bytes in the file to detect a byte order mark (BOM), a standard
formatting convention used to identify the Unicode encoding format. If no BOM is detected, the text encoding is interpreted as UTF-8 (an 8-bit
encoding format). It is recommended that you use UTF-8 encoding in your applications.

If Flash Player detects either of the following BOMs, the text encoding format is interpreted as follows:

If the first byte of the file is OxFE and the second is OxFF, the encoding is interpreted as UTF-16 BE (Big Endian). This is used for
Macintosh operating systems.

If the first byte of the file is OxFF and the second is OxFE, the encoding is interpreted as UTF-16 LE (Little Endian). This is used for
Windows operating systems.

Most text editors that can save files in UTF-16BE or LE automatically add the BOMs to the files.

Note: If you set the system.useCodepage property to true, the text is interpreted using the traditional code page of the operating system that
is running the player; it is not interpreted as Unicode.

Encoding in external XML files

You cannot change the encoding of an XML file by changing the encoding tag. Flash Player identifies the encoding of an external XML file using
the same rules as for all external files. If no BOM is encountered at the beginning of the file, the file is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding. If a BOM
is encountered, the file is interpreted as UTF-16BE or LE.

Creating multilanguage text

You can configure a FLA file to display text in different languages depending on the language of the operating system that plays the Flash
Professional content.

Workflow for authoring multilanguage text with the Strings panel

The Strings panel lets you create and update multilingual content. You can specify content for text fields that span multiple languages, and have
Flash Professional automatically determine the content that should appear in a certain language based on the language of the computer running
Flash Player.

The following steps describe the general workflow:

1. Author a FLA file in one language.

Any text to enter in another language must be in a dynamic or input text field.

2. In the Strings Panel Settings dialog box, select the languages to include and designate one of them as the default

A column for the language is added to the Strings panel. When you save, test, or publish the application, a folder with an XML file is created for
each language.

3. In the Strings panel, encode each text string with an ID.

4. Publish the application.

A folder is created for each language you select, and within each language folder is an XML file for that language.

5. Send the published FLA file and XML folders and files to your translators.

Author in your native language and let the translators make the translation. They can use translation software directly in the XML files or in the FLA

6. When you receive the translations from your translators, import the translated XML files back into the FLA file.
Flash Pro CS4 files with anti-aliased classic, dynamic text fields populated from the Strings panel may not display properly when updated to
Flash Pro CS5. This is due to changes in font embedding in Flash Pro CS5. To solve this problem, manually embed the fonts used by the text
fields. For instructions, see

Embed fonts for consistent text appearance


Select and remove languages for translation

As many as 100 languages can appear on the Stage and in the Strings panel for translation. Each language you select becomes a column in the
Strings panel. To show the text on the Stage in any of the languages you selected, change the Stage language. The selected language appears
when you publish or test the file.

When selecting languages, use any of the languages provided in the menu, as well as any other Unicode-supported language.