Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014 v.13.0 User Manual

Page 929

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Add a new file or folder to a project

The Project panel allows you to open, create, and remove project files and folders.

The Project panel filters files by filename extension. However, you can manually hide files by preceding the filename with a special character, such
as an underscore. To enable this feature, enter the special characters to filter in the “Hide files or folders beginning with” section of the Panel
Preferences (Options > Panel Preferences).

By default, the Project panel only shows Flash document types (FLA, SWF, SWC, AS, JSFL, ASC, MXML, TXT, XML), but you can add custom
types in the Settings tab of the Panel Preferences (Options > Panel Preferences).

The Project panel shows all files opened recently in the panel in the Recent Files folder at the top of the project tree.

Recent Files are sorted in the order they were opened. Only files opened with the Project panel appear in this list. To disable/enable the recent
files folder, toggle the Show Recent Files checkbox in the Settings Tab of the Panel Preferences. You can also specify how many files are shown
in the list.

To clear the Recent Files list, select Clear Recent Files from the Options menu, or right-click the Recent Files folder, and select Clear Recent Files
from the context menu. Clearing the recent files list does not remove the files from your computer.

To add a new file or folder to a project:

1. In the Project panel, select the folder in which you want to create the new file or folder. If there is no selection, Flash Professional creates

the file or folder in the project root folder.

2. Click the New File or New Folder button at the bottom of the panel.

3. If you are adding a file, choose a name and a file type. Select the Open File After Creation checkbox to open the new file in Flash. Then

click Create File.

Note: If a file or folder with the name you’ve specified already exists, a dialog alerts you about the existing file or folder.

The new file appears in the Project panel file list.

Add an external folder to a project

The Project panel allows for the addition of folders external to the project root folder, referred to as locations. Folder paths can be added (and
shown or hidden) on a global basis, accessible to all projects, or per project. Locations act like any other folder, and have all the same functionality
as folders in the project root folder.

1. Open the Panel Preferences to set global locations, or the Project Properties to set locations for the current project.

2. Select the Locations tab.

3. To make locations visible in the project file list, select the “Specify additional source folders outside of the root project folder” checkbox.

4. Click the “+” button.

5. Browse to the external folder you want to add.

6. Give the location a name.

Location names can be changed at any time in the Project Properties or Panel Preferences by selecting the desired location and clicking on
the Rename Location button.

7. When you are finished adding locations, click OK to close the dialog. Location folders appear above all other folders in the file list.

You cannot delete or remove a location in the operating system file browser. Remove them using the Locations tab in the Project Properties or
Panel Preferences.

Remove a file or folder from a project

1. Select the file or folder you want to remove from the file list.

2. Click the Delete icon in the far right of the panel icon tray, or press the Delete key.

You can also right-click on the file or folder and choose Delete from the context menu.

3. In the dialog box that appears, confirm your selection.

Flash Professional deletes the file from your hard drive completely. Deleting a file or directory cannot be undone. Deleting a folder also
removes its files and subdirectories.

Open a file from the Project panel in Flash

Double-click the filename in the Project panel.

If the file is of a native file type (a type supported by the Flash Professional authoring tool), the file opens in Flash Professional. If the file is a non-
native file type, the file opens in the application used to create it.

Rename a project

1. Select the project name in the Project panel.